Puget Sound Biotope

Had a date with my favorite fish at Seattle Aquarium. Also went to double check his tank setup for lighting and filtration. Excuse the quality, please.

His little friend was napping.
Well, after many go-rounds of frustrating results, the next experimental run will be as follows:

- Only mechanical filtration via external canister filter
- Filter will live in cooling room where holding tank keeps water at temperature. Still calculating delta once the device wattage determines the amount of heat generated. Right now assuming no powerheads, so light and pumps are the existing variables.
- Filtered water enters cooling tank and gets pumped back out to tank. Flow rate to be adjusted to maintain water level. Limit switch inside sealed tank will control pump and filter via Arduino in case of accidental overflow. Systems connected to UPS in case of power failure.
- Sch. 80 3/4" pipes will travel through walls in and out of cooling room. It is a 4' run and they will be insulated.
- This set up has only two lines into tank (main-tank>filter/pump>holding tank>main-tank).
- Water changes into holding tank using Puget Sound water passed through sand and filter floss to minimize particulates.

Still a lot to do before even assembling the tank, but it continues to be fun.

Time to harvest some amphipods to feed the puffers as I continue to spoil the little guys. ??
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- Filtered water enters cooling tank and gets pumped back out to tank. Flow rate to be adjusted to maintain water level. Limit switch inside sealed tank will control pump and filter via Arduino in case of accidental overflow. Systems connected to UPS in case of power failure.

I may be confused, that happens alot these days. If the holding tank is sealed, how can you get an accidental overflow? The canister filter (mechanical filtration) needs to be on to chill the water, correct? So when you dump a bunch of amphipods into the tank, your mechanical filter may be running and may suck up the amphipods. Is this what you want?

If sucking up the amphipods is an issue, can I offer a idea.

Seperate the canister filter, worry about this later. Build an overflow box but instead of a weir, put foam inside the overflow box to prevent sucking up those cute little amphipods into the sealed holding tank. Since the holding tank is sealed, the top level of the overflow box can be slight below the minimum water line. So when the chiller starts up, Crusty, the cute little amphipod gets suck into the foam filter pad but he still alive, just stuck. When the chiller turns off, Crusty can swim away and is quickly swallowed up by Fermat.

Edit: this would require a Herbie type plumbing system.

Now instead of an overflow box, you could just use valves. But you are talking to a person forgot to turn the water off during a water change and spilled ~20 gallons in my attic (3rd floor) fish room. So for water changes, just drain the holding tank, the overflow box will stop the flow of water into the holding tank.

Are you adding bio balls inside the holding tank?

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When the chiller turns off
At least with my chiller there needs to be constant water flow though it. If the water sits in the tubes of the chiller it will warm, the chiller will then turn on, and then may find that the incoming tank water is cool enough, thus shutting off again. This would lead to rapid on/off cycles and likely burn out the compressor quickly. Water needs to constantly flow through the chiller for the equipment to properly assess the temperature of the water in the tank. Incidentally, this is why you never want to oversize a chiller, it will also result in more cycles per day, which is typically hard on the compressors.
Ok, I see where there may be some confusion.

There is no chiller involved. The holding tank lives in a temperature controlled room (steady at 55F) on the other side of the wall. The canister filter will live there as well, and there will be a sponge on the intake so critters do not get sucked in. Cute little amphipods shall remain cute.

So, what I am playing with at the moment is whether I create a current by using the overflow concept (think little cheesy bamboo water fountain that tips when full, releasing the water). This has not been resolved, so if it proves unattainable I may give up on the tidal wave idea. At the moment, a second tank (5 gallons) and pump are being considered.

Water changes will be done by draining the holding tank (10 gallons), you are correct. Bio macaroni will be in the middle layer of the holding tank, with sponges and floss arranged in a basket that can be easily lifted for cleaning. These layers are going to be adjusted for ideal flow.

Yes, there are valves involved in order to make moving all the necessary water in and out, especially on water change day.

The craziest idea of all is I am considering a suggestion by my Swedish mentor and pump ocean water to the house. Why not? ?
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Ok, I see where there may be some confusion.

There is no chiller involved.
Yes, I was confused. I not uncommon state of mine for me sadly. I think I wrote into the story that you were planning on using a chiller.
So, what I am playing with at the moment is whether I create a current by using the overflow concept (think little cheesy bamboo water fountain that tips when full, releasing the water). This has not been resolved, so if it proves unattainable I may give up on the tidal wave idea.
Yes! A tipping bucket wave maker. You must do this! This is an amazing idea! I can see it now... ? Little amphipods riding the waves. Hang pleopods little guys!
The craziest idea of all is I am considering a suggestion by my Swedish mentor and pump ocean water to the house. Why not? ?
This just stirs up that jealousy I have about your proximity to the sea. Also, your advisor sounds delightfully crazy!
Yes, I was confused. I not uncommon state of mine for me sadly. I think I wrote into the story that you were planning on using a chiller.
Understandable. I started by learning about and considering using a chiller. I am one of those crazy people that investigates the most complicated solutions and then distills them into more basic ones as if I were to make them in a jungle setting, kind of... not quite, I will have electricity.

? Little amphipods riding the waves. Hang pleopods little guys!
Now there is a marketable idea! Little surfboards for your little critters. Should we name them Olapods? Better than having to take them out for a walk. Just make sure they are back in time for tea.

This just stirs up that jealousy I have about your proximity to the sea. Also, your advisor sounds delightfully crazy!
Sorry, there is nothing I can do about that! :( And yes, he is a jewel!

I just came out of a lecture and am trying to switch gears back to fishies. My brain is mush... ?

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