pufffers.......CHECK OUT ME FLICKS....


Fish Fanatic
Jul 27, 2005
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hi i have two dwarf puffers in my semi aggresive tropical tank, they are currently housed in a 25 gallon tank (2 puffers) live with 6 tiger barbs..... and well there was a snail, but needless to say he was eaten....(6X their size)....

i plan on moving them to their own tank, i would like to keep one, or two in the semi- agressive but im not sure if that is risky?? :/

and i plan on buying a 10 gallon tomorow at my work place, and setting it up for puffers, i would like to get maybe a figure 8, or a green spotted, or a mix, of dwarf, and those two, to breed and have fun with, but yet again green spotted, and figure 8 must have salt, am i correct??... i know nothing about a bracish community, so please help me and give me ideas of what i should do with my 10 gal. aquarium, yet again, its new and i havnt even bought it yet, so share your ideas and how i can set it up to be bracish if it must..... please help and here are two picks of my two puffs!


1 ) mixing puffer species is complicated and should not be attempted by beginners

2 ) dwarf puffers need NO SALT

3 ) F8 puffers need SOME SALT

4 ) green spotted puffers need A LOT OF SALT and are too big for a 10g

the only pufferss that can happily go in a 10g would be 2 dwarf puffers, which you already have. otherwise a 10g's just not enough territory for multiple puffers.
alrighty thanks for the info....i will just get a 10 gal. and get some dwarfs
ahhhh yes good idea my friend, but question, lets see if someone knows this.......

it says a puffer to every 2-3 gallons of water, i will have ten gallons and i want as much puffers as i can fit comfortably, so i plan on getting 5, is that wise... :blink:

well becuase my male right now hates my female, he always attacks her and never wants her near him so i have a feeling he will not warm up to her, so i plan on getting one more male, and 2 more females = 5 puffers in a well planted very well planted with lots of space to hide in 10 gallon tank....

lets here your comments.... becuase i know most of them will be NO!! :hyper:
No chance.
If you try 5 Dwarf Puffers in a 10 gallon tank you will be down to two within a few weeks.

As babies, Dwarf Puffers are social and live in groups, but as they mature thay start taking territories and will chase and kill anyother puffers that gets close.

The MAXIMUM amount of dwarf puffers that will tollerate each other is a 10 gallon tank is two, and even then if one has an aggresive personality it may kill the other when it matures.

This is not opinion, this is from regretable personal experiance, and from the experiance of many other people.

Please don't try it and make me have to say 'I told you so' in a month from now.
heh no problem, just wondering i want them to make babys, so i can have bunch's of puffs!.... but i will keep it small my maximum will be one male, two females.... thanks for your advice and i get my tank set up today i will post picks.... thanks for your help i apreciate it....


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