Big fish
I was considereing buildin a DIY version of a river ecosystems tank. I was planning on putting a few schools of danios (4 glofish/zebra d's, 4 glolights, and 4 kerri all should school together) mabey a few farlowela cats and mabey some corries but I'm not sure If I have the room. But I wanted to find and add some CSP's if they can handle a constant flow of water I reallythink that a puffer in a river tank would be cool all fish are more activeand then I wouldntneed to worry about over feeding them and I may be able to keep snails and ghost shrimp in the tank with them in a state where some would slowly fallinto the hands of the puffer but others would remain unharmed. Apperently because of the high air gass interface you can stock a river tank higher than a slow water tank so a 55 gallon tank with 30 gallons of water would acctually be more like a 45 galon tank as far as stocking goes. what do you think would a puffer be happy?