Fish Connoisseur
Candy stripe profile
Peacock gudgeons are sometimes called peacock gobies, but the correct term for them is gudgeon (Gobies, like candy striped gobies, have fused ventral fins that can be used to stick to surfaces, including glass, gudgeons, like peacock gudgeons or purple spotted gudgeons, do not, and they tend to swim in the middle of the aquarium)
There are several species of badis, the largest reaching around 3". They are somewhat like dwarf cichlids, but are in the same family as leaf fish. Badis will eat freeze dried and frozen food, but they will ignore flake. A neutral pH and a temp of around 78-80 degrees will be fine for them. They need many hiding places and are pretty solitary and generally good at avoiding predators. (lucky62 has over 15 baby badis badis in his 70g tank, they got past his dwarf cichlids, rasboras, and other fish and are now overpopulating the tank
The minimum tank size for an african butterfly fish is a 10g, seeing as they rarely move and only move to get food.
Peacock gudgeons are sometimes called peacock gobies, but the correct term for them is gudgeon (Gobies, like candy striped gobies, have fused ventral fins that can be used to stick to surfaces, including glass, gudgeons, like peacock gudgeons or purple spotted gudgeons, do not, and they tend to swim in the middle of the aquarium)
There are several species of badis, the largest reaching around 3". They are somewhat like dwarf cichlids, but are in the same family as leaf fish. Badis will eat freeze dried and frozen food, but they will ignore flake. A neutral pH and a temp of around 78-80 degrees will be fine for them. They need many hiding places and are pretty solitary and generally good at avoiding predators. (lucky62 has over 15 baby badis badis in his 70g tank, they got past his dwarf cichlids, rasboras, and other fish and are now overpopulating the tank

The minimum tank size for an african butterfly fish is a 10g, seeing as they rarely move and only move to get food.