Puffers and Bumblebee Gobies

aren't they though? i just love the little things :wub: such expression on those little faces. i wish i'd gotten a good shot of a bbg pouting at the puffers, i love their little grumpy faces when the puffers enter their territory.
your puffers are too cute, I like the shots of them together

I LOVE your bbg's though! How precious, I guess I've never seen such a cute pic of one before. I love the gobies at my lfs but they're the marine kind. The owner of my lfs is a dentist and in his office he has a 400 gallon framed in the wall marine tank. I went up there with a friend of mine to see it the other day and of all the fish in that tank I loved the gobies the most :wub:

Now I want gobies and puffers tooo!!!! If I had a perfect spot to set up my empty 20 I'd go for it :unsure:

Your pictures are beautiful, especially the clarity of that ghost shrimp ;) :thumbs:
really good pictures! I just got 4 dwarf puffers...I will try to get some pics up soon.

how do you tell if your puffers are male or female? mine have slightly different coloring is that how?

also, I thought BB Gobies were brackish water? can they go freshwater also?

I know people put them in with figure-8 puffers and those are just slightly brackish.
some places the bbgs are sold as bw only, and some sell a fw strain, which is what i have. as for sexing the puffers, the males will have a dark line down the lenght of chest/belly, that apparenlty is more visiable during breeding. the males also have wrinkles behind the eyes.
some places the bbgs are sold as bw only, and some sell a fw strain, which is what i have. as for sexing the puffers, the males will have a dark line down the lenght of chest/belly, that apparenlty is more visiable during breeding. the males also have wrinkles behind the eyes.
good to know. Thanks!
Fantastic fish M.A.M really good, glad you're enjoying, gotta say, since I had them I can see why pufferpacks so hooked :)
Lithril said:
Fantastic fish M.A.M really good, glad you're enjoying, gotta say, since I had them I can see why pufferpacks so hooked :)
thanks lithril. i know what you mean. they've become my favorites (that, and theyre the only fish the bf has any interest in :lol: ). just love them :wub:
Hey Many A Molly, what size tank do you have your BBG's and Puffers in?

My hubby has a client that has at least a 100g tank foull of the BBG's. A species tank that he says is AWESOME!!!

I think they are so cute, I want them every time I see them. :wub:

:kewlpics: by the way.

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