
otherwise you could do a figure 8 which will do best in a low-end brackish or south american/brazilian puffers (colomessus assellus) which are fresh. you could keep a single red eye puffer (Carinotetraodon lorteti). :)
I'm gonna go against what they're saying ;)
In a 10G you can keep 2 dwarf puffers if you're lucky, if you pick the wrong 2 chances of 1 harassing the other one/killing the other are quite high.
A 10G is too small for either a South American or a Figure 8, I dont know about the red eye puffer though

Best off sticking with fresh water and keeping a couple of dwarfs I think :) They're also better for starters than a SA (SA for example will often need its teeth to be trimmed by hand seeing as they grow really fast).
I agree with Erised, 5g per DP, so two would be ok, though you may end up with one anyway. They like a well planted tank and lots of places to explore.

I too agree with Erised on this. Two dwarfs maximum.

Although the tank size is big enough to physically hold a Red-Eye or South American, they are such messy fish that it would be very hard to maintain water quality in such a small volume.

Same goes for brackish

Stick to a pair of dwarfs.
I think if you planted it and got 2 dwarfs it could be a really cool tank

Not to hijack but i saw a dogface puffer (saltwater) i was wonderin how big they got?
About the dogface puffer:
I'm quite sure they get to around 13". You'll need a 100G+ tank for that one =)
mwm said:
I think if you planted it and got 2 dwarfs it could be a really cool tank

Not to hijack but i saw a dogface puffer (saltwater) i was wonderin how big they got?
Depends on which dogface you saw, there are several species and some get over three feet, I understand.
dwarf puffers are great i have three of them in a 8 gallon tank it is very well planted though I have had no problems but I am not an expert. They are great fish though :D
SirMinion said:
mwm said:
I think if you planted it and got 2 dwarfs it could be a really cool tank

Not to hijack but i saw a dogface puffer (saltwater) i was wonderin how big they got?
Depends on which dogface you saw, there are several species and some get over three feet, I understand.
wow a 3 foot puffer! :kana: :kana:

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