Puffer With Weird Stomach

He doesn't exhibit any of that behavior. He's a little lethargic, and he's obviously skinny, but I haven't seen any other signs. 
I used tetracycline in the twenty gallon, and it may have knocked out some of the bacteria, but not much. 
Or I can move the sponge filter over to the hospital tank. I think that's what I'll do. I'll set up the hospital tank, throw in the sponge filter and then I'll dose. Should I treat both fish or just Kahlo?
It's up to you but if she acting her usual self and has no symptoms of ill health I would leave her be.As antibiotics if over used
the fish build a resistance up to them.
I wouldn't bother moving the sponges as the tetracycline is just going to knock the good bacteria out. Just add filter floss.
You will need aeration with the medication. As you know medications reduce 02 levels in the tank.
What are the diet needs of a dwarf puffer fish?
They are completely carnivorous and prefer a mix of live and frozen foods. Black worms and snails are preferred live, blood worms frozen. I don't have any black worm cultures and I don't have the money right now to have a starter culture sent to me. My LFS might sell them, but I'm not sure. They eat about a dozen or so snails a week. Sometimes, when there are shrimp in the tank, they'll eat those too.
The sponge filter is really new. I built the filter when I got the puffers, so it's only a few weeks old. It's got filter floss and some used ceramic media as well as new. However, there isn't enough old media for me to really be concerned about it. It was built for the purpose of a snail tank but was too big, so I tossed it in the puffer tank for added oxygen because this tank stays pretty warm.
Kahlo has been moved. I did this carefully so he wouldn't puff up. Got him moved into the hospital tank (which is at least thirty gallons, but I only filled it to about twelve because it hasn't got a lid), treated with the first dose of tetracycline and ten realized I only have one more dose, so I'll have to get some more soon. If he doesn't look any better by the en of this, I'll pick up some parasite medicine after giving him a few days of a break. I've also got the tank heated with a crappy little filter. At least it's something.
Hows he doing?
Today he ate some bloodworms. I tossed out the old ones which I remembered I had accidentally left out overnight so they may have gotten disgusting. I picked up some new ones today. I also offered a snail, but I don't think he saw where the snail went. It did kind of find its way to the wall quickly. Anyway, apart from hanging very closely to the heater (it doesn't heat the water very well), he's responding very well to the medicine. I've been doing small water changes daily with warmer water to help him cope with the lack of heat. Eventually I am planning on getting a new heater and moving the one currently in the ten gallon to the supplies bucket for the hospital, but for now the crappy heater and warm water changes will have to suffice. It's hard to look at his stomach because the tank is low to the ground as it is under my twenty gallon, but he's eating and hunting again so that's good. His colors are looking more regular too.

I plan on finishing the treatment and keeping him isolated for a few days after that before introducing him to the display tank again. Once I've finished the medicine, I'll be able to do larger water changes every day to keep the tank warm.
I think I would do another round of medication just to be on the safe side. 
It can sometimes take 2 to 3 rounds to fully cure a fish if it's had a really bad internal infection.
Glad to hear there has been some improvement.
Thanks for the update.
Good Luck.
Okay so how long should I wait between treatments? One or two days?
How long does it say in the instructions before you can start the medication again?

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