Puffer Teeth Need Trimming

I put him into the tank, and turned the filter off (so he dosen't get carried around by it) he still can't move too well, but hopefully he will recover.He isn't moving much. I'm getting a little worried that he isn't recovering... I did let him into the tank very slowly, maybe it was my fault...
This is a Fig8 Puffer?

Their teeth are not nearly as fast growing as SAPs, so im assuming you havent been feeding hard shelled foods often enough. Keep a real close eye on him when feeding make sure he can close his mouth etc. Feed Snails, Prawns in shells etc...as the main part of their diet.

Might i suggest a large plastic tub with an airstone and ramshorns snails, ive been breeding mine for a while, its cheap as chips, throw in nasty fish flake food and replace 80% of the water every 1-2 weeks or so and they look after them selves....I must have about 20 blobs of babies...its a continuing source of hard foods.


Im not sure but i think id have left him in the tub till he was stable in the water etc...but fingers crossed.
Darn, I don't like this one bit. This really isn't my fish though, and no, my Dad wasn't really feeding it enough shelled foods, thats why I did this.
He is alive, but not moving. This kind of stuff completely puts me off fish keeping. I'm ready to scrap all my tanks and find a new hobby...
Okay. He has started to move around agian. He seems pretty stable, and is exploring the tank as we speak. When should I turn the filter back on? I'm going to start a pest snail hatchery for my Dad.
good to hear he is swimming about again, its a really stressful thing for the fish...so don't be surprised if he sulks
sorry i missed all the excitement... this sort of slow recovery is just what i used to go through with my puffer each time i trimmed his teeth. it's always nerve-wracking, but you just have to trust the process. i know it's a bit late for comfort, but at least now you know what happened was normal. :/

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