Puffer Struggling To Eat

for dps i do a regular water change of about 25%every 2/3 days and a full water change,filter and substraight clean every 2weeks max unless the water stats go through the roof as for the neons eating the bloodworm before the dp get hold of some malaysian trumpet snails (mts) the puffer will love them and the neons wont touch them.currently i have 10 dps in with 10 guppys about half their full length and a golden loach.i find an external filter best (in my opinion they are easier to clean and gives slightly more space) as for the snails they shouldnt get the chance to breed as puffers go mad for them and its amazing to watch.hope this helps.
I would test the water paramns. The 10g setup sounds good. As to the water changes unless there are problems with the params I wouldnt stress the fish out further. Stick to your weekly water changes or whichever regime you have in place to keep ontop of the bioload.

As to the neons when were they introduced? It may have put him out of kilter. Is there any signs of illness on the DP or the neons? When feeding do you spread the food across the tank. At one point I had neons and DPs together (at my own risk) and in the jungle they were in it went fine, I tended to feed the neons flake first (which the puffs did not touch) and then using a turkey baster feed the DPs in the area of the tank they were in at the time

Next..is there a chance to show a pic of said puff? When he eats (if he does at all) does the belly go rounded and then down again in a matter of hours or the next day? Is he looking thin or is the belly curving inwards? One thing to try that I had to on a particularly small dwarf I had once was as the others smacked him down around food, I would get a giant sized net and gently net him and shower with food to suit his size and tummy. I also had to do this with a figure of 8 puffer recently until he got his strength up. The reason I say giant net is I have personally found they dont freak out as much and as soon as the food enters they are all over it. I would also try soaking the food in garlic juice puree ( you can make your own or buy special stuff at LFS or internet).

Sorry for all the questions but need to get to the route of the problem
It should be doable if you follow the instructions, a nail clippers will do, just use patience and a steady hand!

I've never known a DP to need it's teeth trimmed. And the majority of pufferfish species offered in fish stores are freshwater.
dps dont need there teeth trimmed fella your right on that(from my research) but they are a tropical sp. ithink from the amazon not 100%on that because too many fish of my own to reasearch constantly.but i would water change 20% every few days purely because they are messy eaters and i find that it keeps the tank looking nice and clear.as for stressing them out i highly doubt that if they reconise you this will happen if you only change 20%the water temp shouldnt change in a 10g and if it does itr will be only 1/2 degrees which shouldnt matter muchg atall.
not just arguing this (lilcammy) because of my ego just experiance and research so sorry if i offend.
No offense at all Spike, Ive based mine on research and experience too, I had 4 dps in a 15g and did 30% weekly changes and never had a problem with mess or params, I put this down to the filtration I had and also that I spot fed each one so there was never any left over bloodworm to go bad in corners. It does depend on the fish in question I have puffs that love water changes and others that hate it so try to ensure they arent overly stressed. As long as there is a routine in place that doesnt stress the fish and ensures ammonia/nitrites are kept at 0 and nitrates relatively low there is no right or wrong.

How is the fella doing bullit? Hope not too badly.
I would test the water paramns. The 10g setup sounds good. As to the water changes unless there are problems with the params I wouldnt stress the fish out further. Stick to your weekly water changes or whichever regime you have in place to keep ontop of the bioload.

As to the neons when were they introduced? It may have put him out of kilter. Is there any signs of illness on the DP or the neons? When feeding do you spread the food across the tank. At one point I had neons and DPs together (at my own risk) and in the jungle they were in it went fine, I tended to feed the neons flake first (which the puffs did not touch) and then using a turkey baster feed the DPs in the area of the tank they were in at the time

Next..is there a chance to show a pic of said puff? When he eats (if he does at all) does the belly go rounded and then down again in a matter of hours or the next day? Is he looking thin or is the belly curving inwards? One thing to try that I had to on a particularly small dwarf I had once was as the others smacked him down around food, I would get a giant sized net and gently net him and shower with food to suit his size and tummy. I also had to do this with a figure of 8 puffer recently until he got his strength up. The reason I say giant net is I have personally found they dont freak out as much and as soon as the food enters they are all over it. I would also try soaking the food in garlic juice puree ( you can make your own or buy special stuff at LFS or internet).

Sorry for all the questions but need to get to the route of the problem

No offense at all Spike, Ive based mine on research and experience too, I had 4 dps in a 15g and did 30% weekly changes and never had a problem with mess or params, I put this down to the filtration I had and also that I spot fed each one so there was never any left over bloodworm to go bad in corners. It does depend on the fish in question I have puffs that love water changes and others that hate it so try to ensure they arent overly stressed. As long as there is a routine in place that doesnt stress the fish and ensures ammonia/nitrites are kept at 0 and nitrates relatively low there is no right or wrong.

How is the fella doing bullit? Hope not too badly.

hes died mate. he just seemed t0 d0wn hill really quick. he w0uld eat the littleist bit 0f f00d and then st0p. i d0nt kn0w if he had s0mething wr0ng with him cause he started swimming in a curved shape 0r whether that was cause he was really weak and had n0 meat 0n him. the water was fine, the ne0ns are fine. as y0u said it might have put him 0ut 0f kilter, als0 i think the ne0ns started stressing him by nicking f00d 0f him. the ne0ns may have been there a m0nth, i cant remember 0n t0p 0f my head. i tried d0ing what y0u said and spread the f00d t0 him, i even had him eating 0ut my fingers at 0ne p0int but i think as he wasnt hardly eating, he just g0t w0rse. it pr0b w0uld have been a g00d idea t0 net him instead but i did what i th0ught was best. im gutted tbh, i liked seeing his little face swim 0ver. i feel like i sh0uld have n0ticed s00ner 0r s0mething.

thanks f0r every0nes help. s0rry ab0ut the 0s. the key is br0ke l0l
Oh hon I am so sorry to hear this, you did everything you could and sorry he didnt pull through, certainly dont blame yourself, you sound a very caring owner. Will you try again do you think?

LOL did wonder on the 0. Best of luck for the future of your tank :good:
i will d0 yeah. is there any 0ther species i c0uld have in a 10 gallen? ill get rid 0f the ne0ns i think bef0re aswell.
unfortunately DPs are only suited puffers to a 10g, though if do move the neons on could have 3 DPs in there with good filtration and water changes. If you can get a bigger tank it opens up the possibilities more.

To give an idea a figure 8 puffer needs a 15g (though needs low end brackish).

If go to 20g you could go one of these 1 Golden Puffer or 1 Red Eyed Puffer or Brown puffer

Going the extra 5g to a 25g opens to the "target puffers" including abei, hairy puffer, suvatti.

Unsure if you are able to upgrade the tank size, so these are just food for thought ;) Dwarf puffs are special in their own way just miniature!

Sorry if rambled, be interested to hear what you do go for in the tank even if it isnt puffers, best of luck x

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