puffer maybe again


I know you agree
Mar 1, 2004
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Calgary Alberta,
Alright i was on here a while ago trying to get a ten gallon puffer tank setup last summer but then i had to use the tank for some baby goldfish fry, that will go into the pond soon so i try and set iy up now. It would be a ten gallon and I think my only option is a dwarf puffer or two, how many? would be a good start. I won't have to clip dwarf puffer teeth as long as they are fed snails is this correct? and do they like planted tanks and otos? are they really as intresting as is heard by me? do they like current? might use a 200 gph aquaclear 200 on the tank. sand or gravel make a difference? hard or softwatter? do they jump my lid sucks? eat flakes not eat flakes? what kind of snails can't they eat, just ramshorn? are they territorial or just plain agresive?
alright that's what i got for questions anyone please answer anything you can I know I got alot of research to do again thankyou
I did have a few puffers for sale but I've already sold them now they dont jump they like snail but not sure which never feed them tht :D they will eat bloodworms and there not aggresive towards each other as long as there the same size and they are male and female the males have a brown line on there belly
A ten gallon will house 2 Dp's if well planted. Oto's have been kept by some members with DP's, but in my experience, species only tanks are best (i have a single oto with one eye, the remainder of three healthy 2 eyed otos, hes now in a different tank). They need a very clean and well filtered tank, but don't like a fast flow, so if you can slow the filters output with spraybars or similar.

Not a jumper as far as I am aware.

Teeth are not such a problem as with my SAP's but yes some snails would be good. Any snails excepts trumpet snails (breaks teeth).

Yes they are an interesting fish, I love them :D

Of course, google and wait for many more replys, especially from sir and lady minion, they know thier puffers.

Thanks for the vote of confidence Jon. :D

The best thing anyone could do when starting with dwarf puffers is search this forum.

This thread is started at least twich a week, so there are many many many results when searching.

I'll even do it for you.

Dwarf puffers at TFF
Thanks everyone

i've read alot of them but people keep sayin different stuff,

for example my understanding on cliping teeth is as slong as you feed them hard foods, ----but how am I too know how much hard foods, because what i've read prety much evrything you feed them besides worms are hard?

People say yes and no on otos too, I also read tetras, guppies, and plecos on this forum? i'd just like to hear your opinions all in one place to figure it out

from your link i saw a suggestion for 4 puffers in a 16 gallon and 3 in a 5ive gallon, and you saying 5 gallons each doesn't seem to match again
And i was sure i read not to feed ramshorns but i guess mts's thanks
and i've seen nothing on hardness or current

If you get anoyed with the thread write an article for the fish index :thumbs:
This forum, although started in the UK has many US members, so 16 UK gallons is roughly 20 US gallons, that may be the confusion there. They are a cute looking fish, but like a jack russel terrier, are not cute by nature, 3 in a 5 gallon may work while they are juvi's but you will soon only have one or none.

Think the ramshorn and MTS snails problem is my fault, though both have hard shells that may damage the puffers teeth.

My personal experience is NO to oto's, explained above. Tetras, No, Guppies... NO NO NO, at best DP will nip fins and guppies have lots of fins :p . Plecs should be ok, once saw an SAP try to nip a 13" common, the common didn't even notice.

People say yes and no on otos too, I also read tetras, guppies, and plecos on this forum? i'd just like to hear your opinions all in one place to figure it out

You will see people keeping DPs with other fish (normally for a short period of time while they are younger) but eventually their true aggression will show and that is when you have casualties. That is why the normal advice given is keep them on their own. The only fish that have commonly been able to live with them are plecos (in particular BN) and Bumblebee Gobies, though finding the breed goby that can live in FW into adulthood (Hypogymnogobius xanthozona) is a task in itself.

Other than this then you are really tempting fins and fate. you may be lucky (some have) but more often than not you won't.

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