I know you agree
Alright i was on here a while ago trying to get a ten gallon puffer tank setup last summer but then i had to use the tank for some baby goldfish fry, that will go into the pond soon so i try and set iy up now. It would be a ten gallon and I think my only option is a dwarf puffer or two, how many? would be a good start. I won't have to clip dwarf puffer teeth as long as they are fed snails is this correct? and do they like planted tanks and otos? are they really as intresting as is heard by me? do they like current? might use a 200 gph aquaclear 200 on the tank. sand or gravel make a difference? hard or softwatter? do they jump my lid sucks? eat flakes not eat flakes? what kind of snails can't they eat, just ramshorn? are they territorial or just plain agresive?
alright that's what i got for questions anyone please answer anything you can I know I got alot of research to do again thankyou
alright that's what i got for questions anyone please answer anything you can I know I got alot of research to do again thankyou