Puffer Id.......sorry Should Have Put It In Here.

Red Eye Puffer can be about 8 different species, as most have red eyes. Im nigh on sure its a Tetraodon Turgidus, going by the colour and that the spot is brown/green and not red like the Target Puffers. This is a freshwater Puffer and will get to about 15cm in length
As previously mentioned the "target" group are diffucult to distinguish unless you get them side by side. From the shape of the forehead my money would be on T. turgidus....T. cochinchinensis' head is more rounded between the eyes, T. cutcutia has differently shaped nostrils, and T. leiurus is rarely seen in the hobby at this time.
As an aside, I would recomend "http://www.pufferlist.com/" for ID's rather than Puffernet, who's information, I've come to discover, seems to be less than accurate

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