having done a little bit more recerch i have now found out that the puffers i have are topaz puffers and are living happily with 2 green spotted puffers and 2 yelloy panchx and 1 platty thankyou all for you help and advice
Agreed! Panchax are killifish if I'm not mistaken.having done a little bit more recerch i have now found out that the puffers i have are topaz puffers and are living happily with 2 green spotted puffers and 2 yelloy panchx and 1 platty thankyou all for you help and advice
But the GSP and Topaz Puffers are Brackish and the Panchax are Freshwater!
im affriad not they have been in my tank for the last 5 hours and how ever long at pets at home in brackish water and are doing fine
if you look at this link it tells you they are both brackish and fresh water as i have kept them in both enviroments and both have thrived [URL="http/filaman.ifm-geomar.de/Summary/Speci...FTOKEN=92494692"]http
i do not know wherer yo are getting your info from but all my puffers and panchax are in a brackish tank not fresh water so please do not tell me how to look after my fish i know full well a panchax can live in both frsh water and brackish as i have done it before so i do not need telling to take my fish back to the shop thank you very much