Psycho's Nano Reef


Fish Crazy
Aug 16, 2007
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hey all

This will be my little thread for my JBJ 24 GAL Nano cube..

Filled Tank with water added seachem salt to 1024 salanity today and temp is fine,,, im a big fan of seachem so my filter media is seachem sea gel and purigen, im also using Seachem Stability for the cycling process. Will add some pictures later on..

Got some Aragalive today, how deep should i go with my sand bed ?
How deep your sand bed should be depends on what you want to keep. Jawfish and the like need deeper beds. If you aren't keeping any burrowing things an and inch and a half or so usually works well.
2" (50mm) will suffice if not keepin any fish that needs a deeper bed.
I use Seachem's differnet types of media in both my marine tanks....very good stuff...nitrates, phosphates kept low as well as Ammonia and nitrite :good:
personally i would err on the side of as little sand as possibile, if you have nothig which needs the sand bed, i'd aim for 1" at most
Seachem salt has become much more popular lately, due to the less about of bad batches and the higher amount of magnesium.
Seachem salt has become much more popular lately.....

.....and I can't get it anywhere. My salt is very low I NEED A BUCKET OF SALT!!!!!!!

Alert stations can relax I have found a tub of SeaChem reef salt. Pheeeeew :D


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