Ps3 & Wii

its Wii for me all the way, judging by the number of s/h PS3, and the distinct lack of Wii's, new or s/h, i guess the public are voting with their cash. My friend, yes i do have one or two, was waiting to get the cash together for his PS3. he now spends every night round my place playing the Wii, and has decided to wait for his PS3. the Wii is also a very good Cardio vascular work out. the PS3 just knackers your wallet. 2 years ago the PS3 would have, rightly, been king. Now, not so much IMO.
hey lynda, these toys were not around when i was young either, however they are now and i like them, give em a go :)

No thanks.... I'm low-tech by choice.... we don't watch tv either.... haven't for 5 years. But, we enjoy watching movies on our plasma, which is hooked up to our surround sound system. Okay, I'm not low-tech then, I guess. But I never got into the hand-held video games or computer games and watching my stepson not know what to do with himself when he's not using something that either runs on electricity or batteries... that makes me sad enough to realize that I'm pretty happy without all of that.

Monopoly, anyone? :lol:
random question, would a ps3 from japan work in England or have sony done some fancy locking to stop this?

well the tv signal would be NTSC not PAL, but many tvs will now cope with that. and yes sadly they are region locked. if there is a way round this i am not sure. but it didnt take very long for people to sort out the PS2 or indeed the Wii, so i guess a solution is well on the way.
oh I thought the ps3 was region free :eek: oh well, about the PAL thing - are you sure most Tv's will be fine with it?

well many sold today have NTSC as well as PAL but it will be worth asking the maker.

and you are quite right the PS3 is region free, it was my information that was wrong. please accept my appologies for the mistake.

this may help on the NTSC Vs PAL thing.

if your tv will not take NTSC, it may be worth looking at your video recorder, if you still have one, many of the upper end VCR's had this function. my "cheap" Micomi/Goodmans 15" lcd tv has NTSC compatibility as does my 32 inch Panasonic
oh I thought the ps3 was region free :eek: oh well, about the PAL thing - are you sure most Tv's will be fine with it?

well many sold today have NTSC as well as PAL but it will be worth asking the maker.

and you are quite right the PS3 is region free, it was my information that was wrong. please accept my appologies for the mistake.

this may help on the NTSC Vs PAL thing.

if your tv will not take NTSC, it may be worth looking at your video recorder, if you still have one, many of the upper end VCR's had this function. my "cheap" Micomi/Goodmans 15" lcd tv has NTSC compatibility as does my 32 inch Panasonic

lol no need to apologise at all :D quite happy now because I can get a 20gb ps3 for around £200 :D
Well. Let's say this. When I had my Wii I was bored by now (i.e. after 6 days) I'm still loving my PS3. It's the first time in ages that I just can't wait to get home from work and start playing. I used to be a Nintendo man, back in the day of the N64 and SNES (remember them!), but since I got a PSOne all them years ago i've been hooked onto Sony. I thought buying the Wii would win me back but it failed. I'm a one player kinda guy so the Wii has a limited lifespan. In all fairness to Nintendo though, they do advertise the Wii as a console which should be used in conjuction with another console! It's cost me loads to switch twice between the two but i'm very happy now.. enough said... it's playing time!
I don't know it's just really addictive! It still incorparates the motion sensor idea. For example, call of duty 3 used loads of motion sensor actions on the PS3 - so it still has that 'different' effect to older consoles.
i'm a wii fan as well. my gf plays trauma center and i play zelda twilight princess, cant wait to see what else comes out in the near future. super mario galaxy looks promising B)
well im currently playing tiger woods golf and resident evil on the Wii, and they are fantastic :good:
I have a Wii. No time for video game really, that is why I didn't make the upgrade to PS3 or Xbox360.Yeah, I love Tiger Woods. It is a lot of fun. Has anyone played the Transformer game yet? I want to know how that is.

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