Proud owner of 3 bronze Cories!!


Fish Crazy
Feb 5, 2004
Reaction score
I'm a new cory addict!

I have 3 new bronze cories!
Now I have : 2 leopard 4 julis and my new babies!

THey are very different from the rest. they are huddled up on the top of my silk plant
laying together on ONE leaf.

Too cute.

At first I was like ...."where did they go? I could not have lost 3 fish" and I look up and they are chillin on a leaf :D

I'm giving away some of my barbs (albino) so that my tank is less aggressive.

I'm sooo happy :nod:
I just hope they learn to like their new home :unsure:
Hi cherrybarbbaby :)

Congratulations on getting the bronze corys! :clap:

Of all the corys I have or have seen, I think the bronze C. aeneus is still my favorite! While they may seem plain compared to some that have more elaborate markings, they more than make up for it in playfulness and personality. :thumbs:

When they are young, they have the most lovely coloring, too. They are almost iridescent when you see them in the right light.

I'm sure you're going to love them! :wub:
The more I look at them the more they seem "green" and "yellow"
But the tag said bronze? :unsure:

They are alot bigger than my Julis.

Its funny they are the only ones out of all my cories that swim up to the glass of the tank to check me out and to say "HELLO"
Hi cherrybarbbaby :)

How big are your new corys? Can you tell if they males or females yet? :unsure:
They are about 3 inches :D Does this mean they are adults?

I don't know how to sex them :( Can you tell me how?

They are still afraid of me so, whenever I come near the tank, they run away.

I'm trying not to take in personally :sad:
Hi cherrybarbbaby :)

Yes, it sounds like your corys are fully grown. :nod:

If you have both male and female corys, the females will be the larger ones. If they are all the same size, then they are probably either one or the other. Males will be a little smaller and less "chunky" than females.

Another way to tell is by looking at their pectoral fins. A female's will be rounded and larger than the male's. She uses them when they are spawning to carry the eggs an deposit them on the glass or plants. The male's pectoral fins are smaller and more pointed.
thanks for the info Inchworm :)

When they sit still long enough for me to get a good look at them I will try to sex them :fun:
Hi cherrybarbbaby :)

I find that it's easiest to tell them apart if I look down at them from the top of the tank. :nod:

If you do it while all 3 are clustered together it will be easy to spot the difference between them.

Good luck. I'll be waiting to learn how it turns out. :D

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