

New Member
Apr 10, 2007
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About two weeks ago i noticed that two of my fish had white spot so i started to use protozin, i followed the instructions but it didnt clear up, so i restarted the treatment but it still isnt working. Today i noticed that it is now spreading and about 5 of my other fish now have white spot. :crazy:

Will the treatment work better if i take the filters out ?? Other treatments state that you should but my protozin doesnt state anything at all.

Even though i got told this was the best treatment to use, Can anyone please recommend a better white spot treatment ?

Thanks for any help
Did you increase the tank temperature during treatment? 29-30 celcius to speed up the lifecycle of the parasite. The meds only work at a particular point in the lifecycle, by increasing temp you make sure the meds are around when its vulnerable.

As a backup I use interpets whitespot plus.
Interpet 6 works a treat for me, i treat as soon as i see any whitespot, and it often clears up after the first dose.

By filters, do you just mean the activated carbon media that can take meds out of the water? I would only take these out, not the complete filter. You still need the nitrogen cycle to work. Now more than ever!
Were gonna turn up the temperature but i cant increase the aeration in the tank.

Interpet 6 works a treat for me, i treat as soon as i see any whitespot, and it often clears up after the first dose.

By filters, do you just mean the activated carbon media that can take meds out of the water? I would only take these out, not the complete filter. You still need the nitrogen cycle to work. Now more than ever!

Yeah sorry :blush:

did just mean the carbon media
Were gonna turn up the temperature but i cant increase the aeration in the tank.

Where is the filter outlet in the tank? Simply moving that closer to the surface, even dropping the water level temporarily so that it breaks the surface is enough to add more oxygen to the water. I would also turn the lights off if the symptoms are really bad. This reduces stress in the fish, and stops any UV that may be emitted by the lights affecting the medication. If you have live plants, these will be ok and recover well after the whitespot is clear.

Good Luck
I forgot to mention - you need to remove carbon and any zeolite from your filter.

And as the above poster says. Keep it nice and dark and quiet, treat with the meds, aggitate the water surface for increased O2, and boost the temp up.

You could always get them a nice treat like some live food if they are up for it!
The carbon removes the meds from the water column so you must always take it out when treating a tank. With whitespot you should not put it back in until 14 days after the last whitespot has fallen

Hope this helps and good luck

I use water life protozin and find it the best, interpet never worked for me. raising the temp helps speed it up.

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