Protein Skimmer

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Oct 25, 2005
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I have wanted to set up a salt water for years now, I have been looking into all the different think you need to do and know but one think I cant seem to find is when do you start using a protein skimmer? Should you start right away as your cycling your tank? And how much space between the hole in the bottom of the goo cup and the water level should there be? I seem to see about an Inch in all the photos but I don’t know if it will just foam up or what. Thanks so much for your time in summary
1. Should you start using a pro-skimmer right away when cycling?
1. How much space should be between the goo cup and the water level?
I have no clue, but I do know that you might be better served asking in the marine section further down on the main page :)
Hey, ive just setup a marine tank- i dont think its essential that you use a protein skimmer when you start cycling- a protein skimmer basically rids your tank of toxins e.g. left over food and fish waste so technically there wont be much waste being produced till there is actually fish or livestock in there. And obviously you wont have fish/livestock in there till the tank is fully cycled and matured anyway. Thus i dont believe skimmers are necessary till just before you put fish in? I have no idea what the answer to the second question is but i believe what i have put is correct. If not, then please someone else advise and dont slate a newbie to this area :p

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