Protein Skimmer And Cannister Filter


Fish Addict
Aug 12, 2007
Reaction score
East Midlands, UK
Hi guys,

Im looking to buy a protein skimmer along with a cannister filter for my new marine tank that I am looking to set-up in next few weeks.

Its a Juwel 120Litre tank. What protein skimmers are you guys out ther using on a tank this size or what do you recommend? I am after a HOB type rather than an internal one.

Also as far as mechanical filteration, what do you think to cannister filters? And again what would you recommend?

Thanks :good:
V2 400 or mce300?

I dont see the point in canister filters in marine tanks, someone who knows more will probably disagree though. Depends what your planning on stocking. If its a heavy fish load look at algae turf scrubbers

i would also recomend a sump to hide this equipment, i nearly went without one on my 120 and im glad i didnt. By far the best thing ive done so far. The skimmer pump i have is big, heaters are hidden skimmer is down there. There would be no room for fish if all my equipment was in the main tank!

I have a Juwel Rio 125L tank and the equipment i am using is as follows:

TMC V2 400 Skimmer - This is on a timer so ony runs during the night and a quick 1/2 flush during the day.

HOB Refugirum (450mm long) with a small amount of bioballs and a ton of calpura algae under 24hr lighting from a pod lamp.

I have still got the standard internal filter running but have removed the biological media now and am looking to remove it totally and replace the water flow with a Hydor Korila 1 pump (when it turns up) to increase tank space and add more flow in to the water.

I decided to remove this in lieu of a refugirum because of the same problem most people tend to find with internal and canister filters is the fact they become nitrate factories and getting levels down becomes a fight after a while.

So Calpura and LR as the basis of the filteration seems to be the way to go, well for me anyway.

I do however wish i had invested in sump system as the pump for the V2 is quite a large unit and its operation is noisy hence night skimming only (Hind sight is such a wounderfull thing)

Hope this helps
I agree with Ben in that a canister filter is not necessary in a marine setup.

However, if you already have one and are looking to use it then it can have a couple of uses.

It will add flow to the tank so could replace a powerhead.

You can also use it to put special filter medium such as phosphate and nitrate removers. I wouldn't put normal medium in there though unless you can be bothered to clean it once a week or so.

You could put some live rubble in there but I wouldn't put noodles or bioballs in there unless you can clean them regularly.

You could also maybe use it as a return pump for the sump if you have one or intend getting one.

I have a Aqua One CF 1000 with live rock (small pieces) in most of the bottom part and rawphos and carbon in teh top part. Seems to work well, the bottom part is full of what look like mini feather (dont know the technical name) and like the other posts if you have one, then why not use it. I havent the room for a sump so this is as good as it gets, not perfect but it does the job. I think there isnt a right or wrong way, so long as the water params are in limits and the livestock healthy, its what fits your environment and suits your style of fish keeping. IMHO regular water changes and a watchful eye are the best way of keeping things looking good and healthy, not necessarily tons of very expensive equipment.
Thanks for all the advice guys it's highly appreciated.

In my current 45G reef I am using a MCE300 skimmer along with a HOB refugium and it is working really well in the way that my nitrates etc are really low and my corals are blooming, although I do not have any mechanical form of filteration other than doing a 20+% water change religiously every fortnight.

I was just asking for advice on my second tank that I am looking to set up and was wondering if I should/could do anything different with it in the ways of filteration but I think I will stick with the methods I have already implemented as they seem to be working well for me.

As far as the skimmer goes, does anybody have any other suggestions other than the MCE300? What about the Skimm 400 by Instant Ocean? Is that any good?
Im using an external and a V2 Nano Skimer 120 on my Juwel Lido 120...aswell as LR. Ill let you know how the skimmer does on the tank...i have a feeling it should do fine as it does tanks up to after all the rock is in ill be at about 100 litres approx.
Ive got about 10-12 KG of LR in there atm and all the LS and im in the process of filling it up with SW and still need aload more LR

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