pronounciation of african cichlid terms


Retired Moderator ⚒️
Aug 12, 2003
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Warm and Sunny Arizona
after finally learning the proper way to say cichlid, now i need to know how to properly pronounce some other words so when i go to look for fish and ask, i say the right thing :p
how do you pronounce:
tanganyika, malawi, mbuna, brichardi

thanks for putting up with my ignorance :lol:
Hmm... pretty annoying, isn't it?

Tanganika you can do phonetically Tang-an-yeek-a

Malawi too - mal-ow-wee (ow as in ouch, that hurts)
mbuna - um-boo-na

brichardi - brish - ard - I (I as in I love fish)
thanks ca! had the first two right, bit off on the last two, glad i asked before i went to the lfs and asked (they treat you differently there is you don't appear to really to know your stuff and i hate that, now i'm prepared)
thecichlidaddict said:
No prob. If your LFS is anything like my LFS then they won't have a clue how to pronounce it either!
too true. but this lfs is all about cichlids, namely africans, they know their stuff (unlike places like chain stores), but the guys there are sort of "i'm better than you because i know my fish and you don't" at times so i don't want to come off stupid or anything.
brichardi - brish - ard - I (I as in I love fish)

Are you sure about "I"?

I pronounce it like bri- (like brick) -char- (like charge) -di (like dig)
hmmmm. any other thoughts? when i read it, i read it as bri (like brick)- car-dee or bri-char-dee..............................
ca is correct...

brichardi - brish - ard - I (I as in I love fish)...

is the way to pronounce it. :nod:
Tanganyika = Tang-an- EEkan.. Silent y, no?
Mbuna.. Mah-Buna is how I read to pronounce it..
Yes, no?
bgraber said:
Tanganyika = Tang-an- EEkan.. Silent y, no?
Mbuna.. Mah-Buna is how I read to pronounce it..
Yes, no?
No, the "y" isn't silent in Tanganyika and Mbuna is pronounced um-boo-na.

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