Prolonged Flaring

White Whale

Granola bar gone bad....
Oct 12, 2003
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I now have 3 bettas sharing a 2.5. I know it's small, but for now I have limited space and it's MUCH better than being in the jars they were in. Batman and Lionfish constantly flare at each other through the glass partition. Would this be harmful in the long run? Or will they get used to each other in a while? I was thinking of putting Rip Van Winkle in the middle since he has the ability (cool headedness?) to stop flaring anytime he wishes. Any thoughts?
I have a few of my bettas next to each other, and the flaring wore off after about twenty minutes. Dogma still throws a flare here and there (just because he's a show off lol). I would say most likely they'll get bored, but if not (if they keep doing after an hour or so) I'd say you might want to rethink the setup.
Yeah, They been going at it for more than an hour last night. When I get home from work, if they are still going at it, I'll put Rip Van Winkle in the middle. At least he knows 'giving way' does not mean 'giving up'. Then the two machowannabes will get bored and swim away. Cool. Tenx! :)

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