Ok, so havent posted on this in a while, so here is amajor update:
1) Upgraded to T5 lighting! Bought a Hagen Glo T5 unit for 36" tubes. Bought the lamos themselves online for a great price - from http

Got a selection of different bulbs to see what shade of white I liked best.
I have attached them to the flaps of the hood. Also installed DIY light reflectors - in the form of Bacofoil superglued to the insides of the lid...
This is mid upgrade...chaos, and the cat is very intersted in going on!
Pic of the Bacofoil...
Drilled holes into the lid flap, had to widen the hole for the bolts to go through on the little black clip holders, as the smallest nut/bolt bag I could get was too big. Bolted them all on, and fitted the clear clips.
This is how they look on the oter side...they still need cutting down and painting black so they dont look so obvious.
And this is the whole thing working and in place.
Also installed my new LED lighting system. Can have 15 different colours, or a flashing disco effect...not so good to use on a fish tank!
Not so keen on the red...
Also have sorted out the middle panel for hiding the external filter. Bit of chipboard covered in wallpaper!
Very happy overall...now bring on my new 5 foot tank in April!!
DIY CO2 is going really well. I roughly change a bottle a week (or when I notice that the bubble count has decreased a little).
The drop checker stays lime green all the time, and the plants are happily pearling away every day. The moss especially is very happy.
I had a BBA outbreak, which was caused by having the new T5's on too long per day, not used to the higher lighting! So I kept the tank in the dark for a couple of days (conveniently when I went away for the weekend) and spot dosed a little bit with some Excel.
Good news was the BBA died off, but the bad news was that the excel turned all the vallis to mush.
That has now all come out, and I have had a little move about. Bought a few new plants. Ill take a new updated pic of the tank tomorrow and you can see how it looks at the moment.