Problems With External Filter


New Member
Mar 1, 2012
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Hi there, have just bought a new large tank which came with an eheim professional 2 external filter. The problem i have with it is if you turn it off, you have to shut off the hoses otherwise it keeps drawing water from the tank and overflows. The worry is if theres a powercut while im not about to shut off the hose then it will flood my living room and eventually empty the tank... Is there something im missing? Or faulty seams around the filter lid? Thanks folks
Also should add it is second hand. Anyone know if any shops still stock appropriate filter medium for this filter outwith of ebay?
The filter should be completly sealed so it should never overflow, any water that enters the filter should only be able to go back into the tank via the filter outlet.

When you say it overflows do you mean water comes out of the side of the filter between the seals? if so the filter lid is not on correctly, you need new seals or the filter is shot.
Yes it comes out inbetween the lid and the base. Its not just a leak it was belting out and i had a massive dry up job today trying the filter out. Doubt you get new seals for this older model... It may be because i had poured some water directly into the filter , as suggested by previous owner, to help it start pumping, is it possible that this made it work over capacity?
Filling the filter won't have caused it; it'll be full to the brim when it's running anyway.

It sounds like either the seals have gone, or the head isn't seated correctly on the base. You could try greasing the seal with some silicone grease (vaseline isn't recommended), but I'm not familiar with that particular filter to offer specific advice.
Ok thanks. Hopefully it is an easy fix such as the lid not being on correctly. Just funny how its fine when it is on. I mean its not really a problem once im up and running as it wont be off. Its just the powercut scenario that worries me...
It is rather odd...are you sure you have the inlet and outlet pipes the right way round?
Yeah theres no doubt of that, its just like even with the filter off, it is drawing the water from the tank somehow but obviously as theres no power it cant pump it round again so over flows because of too much water.
Have you ha a look online, see if anyone else has had the same problem, or a pic of how it should be set up? Have you made sure you've fitted all the parts?

I ask that because I run All Pond Solutions external filters, and they spew out water from between the pump head and the canister if you don't fit the sleeve for the UV light, it must direct the flow of water somehow; could there be something like that on yours perhaps?
There is no parts extra to fit, it is a straight forward set up, only other thing i can think of is there is no media in the filter at the moment although i dont see this being the problem.... I have had a look online although just on my phone till tomorow. Cant see anything really, i imagine it has been replaced by a newer model as its a few years old.
try putting Vaseline on the seals, if not replace them, eheim are really good for parts they make them for moat filters still. all on ebay:)
Hi Agrimes, here is the solution:

You need a new "Sealing Gasket Ring" for your Eheim filter. From your description I'm pretty sure you need Eheim part no. 7343150

This would fit models 2026, 2126, 2028, 2128, 2226, 2326, 2228, 2328, 2227, 2327, 2229 and 2329 so should fit your Eheim Pro II no probs.

So search for Eheim part no. 7343150.

A quick UK ebay search shows this:

Good luck, hope this helps :)
Hi Agrimes, here is the solution:

You need a new "Sealing Gasket Ring" for your Eheim filter. From your description I'm pretty sure you need Eheim part no. 7343150

This would fit models 2026, 2126, 2028, 2128, 2226, 2326, 2228, 2328, 2227, 2327, 2229 and 2329 so should fit your Eheim Pro II no probs.

So search for Eheim part no. 7343150.

A quick UK ebay search shows this:

Good luck, hope this helps :)
Thanks mate thats the ticket. Ordered now , now that i have the pads in , the problem is not so bad, just a one off discharge of water , but still better to get it sorted before it gets worse. Thanks again. :)

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