Problems With Amazon Sword

no im not dosing any ferts currently-worried water will cloud-green water
will seachem work? im in th u.s.a cant get tropica

just give me some peacce of mind that ferts wont cloud my water! :rolleyes:
can ferts go bad? i have some root tabs, but about 2 1/2 years old
Seachem is good though there are a couple of Canadian distributors that carry Tropica.
sorry i edited after you guys looked at my post, do ferts go bad?
they do iron, flourish, phosphorus, nitrogen

what you need to do is identify which deficiancy it is(im not sure, i thinks its iron) and then get the florish, which is trace elements and which other one is lacking

good luck
it seems it is iron, the leaves are hard and brittly
yeah, ok as i thought then, just get flourish and the iron seperately, should work. ask someone like truckasaurus123 or aaron north how much to dose daily

good luck!
thanks a ton!!!!!!!!!! :good: by the way, should i raise my light levels, there only at 1.6?
um, i also had to say real quick
theres this squishy green stuff the lfs puts in there pots that they plant there swords
in. am i supposed to take it off from around the roots?
yes take as much off as you can, its not essential but its better to have none in your tank or it will mess it up. If you buy a plant with little or no roots then it can be used as a weight until the plant becomes established.

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