Problems With Amazon Sword


Jan 10, 2008
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i feel like everybody else can grow an amazon sword except me
i have about 1.6 wpg, laterite in my pea gravel, 18 neons, a pleco ,and 3 angelfish
whats wrong ? ive seen many people grow amazons without ferts, and i dont want to dose them.
Whats wrong?
A pic of your swords might help to narrow down the cause.
well, thats a problem because i cant put pictures on!
i can describe it, though.
it never grows higher than 4 inches, and the leaves die after about 2 weeks.
it is also very rough and breaks easily(the leaves)
now, i used to have a red rubin sword that did good because i had it in a peat moss ball, but shouldnt the sword still do good in gravel with lots of fish poop and stuff?
Swords are actually pretty big root feeders so you could try putting some root tabs in and if you are particularly averse to ferts a peat ball wouldn't be a bad idea.
well, im worried if i rip up its huge root system, im going to cause a green water epidemic!
if i wasnt worried about that, yeah i would problably put in root tabs or peat
Ijust got over a 9, YES 9 month green water problem!
You could just take some peat balls or tabs and just shove them down around the roots. Breaking up some of the root mass isn't necessarily bad.
oh , thats intresting..... :), its really easy fopr me to do peat balls. so your saying make a 1/2 inch ball of peat and shove it around the roots?
i just figured out how to post pictures so ill get a pic of the swords
Here they are, also the store gives you the sword with that green filler stuff around the roots so it fills the pot/ am i supposed to take that off?


  • aquarium_001.JPG
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I would say that is more than likely an iron or potassium deficiency. Here is a good link for diagnosing deficiencies in live aquatic plants.
yes its a deficiancy, you need a fertiliser, a good all in one fert is the Tropica nutrition plus from aqua essentials- various volumes, 500ml is about 14.75- something like that

are you using a fert?
well, that means i wold have to dose ferts, though
yeah, and???.... its easy.. dose ferts or have that wonderfull plant- your call, im just trying to help you out mate, what do you want me to do?

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