Problems With A Lilly

are we talking about this kind of lily being semi aquatic.. be interesting if so :)

ya, sorry i didnt get back quicker, it isnt even really a lilly it is an aroid, not realted to lillies at all.

they will adapt back to semi-aquatic verry easily. just wash off all dirt and set in in the water so the water is covering the roots, the leaves must be emerged. a substrate like flourite will also help, if there are no fish in the tank just add dirt in the bottom :good:

are we talking about this kind of lily being semi aquatic.. be interesting if so :)

ya, sorry i didnt get back quicker, it isnt even really a lilly it is an aroid, not realted to lillies at all.

they will adapt back to semi-aquatic verry easily. just wash off all dirt and set in in the water so the water is covering the roots, the leaves must be emerged. a substrate like flourite will also help, if there are no fish in the tank just add dirt in the bottom :good:

<a href="" target="_blank"></a>


Love4 is dead on for care. I am botanist in Brazil and these plants grow wild around here in the rivers.
are we talking about this kind of lily being semi aquatic.. be interesting if so :)

ya, sorry i didnt get back quicker, it isnt even really a lilly it is an aroid, not realted to lillies at all.

they will adapt back to semi-aquatic verry easily. just wash off all dirt and set in in the water so the water is covering the roots, the leaves must be emerged. a substrate like flourite will also help, if there are no fish in the tank just add dirt in the bottom :good:

<a href="" target="_blank"></a>


Love4 is dead on for care. I am botanist in Brazil and these plants grow wild around here in the rivers.

well thankyou for the information, very interesting.. do they flower when in water?
yes the do "flower"

the flower isnt realy flower, it is a inflorescence, made up of spathe and spadix.

the spathe surrounds the spadix that has male and female blooms on it.

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