Problems With A Friends.....


Fish Aficionado
Jan 13, 2010
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As title says my friend has problems with her russian dwarf. She got the hamster in november last year. At this time the hamster was white with a tiny bit of grey and now she is almost fully grey. This is when she started biting, now she didn't used to do this but is now biting and drawing blood like she is possessed. She is approximatly 5 month old now and my friend got her at about 6 week old.
Can someone tell me what's wrong so i can pass the advice on to her.


P.S. she has 5 cats which i will get pictures of.
These hamsters will bight if they're not regularly handled, a few weeks of no contact, or being dropped will put them off, tell her to rub her hands on some toilet tissue and place it in the cage, so it can get used to the smell, then tell her to place her clenched hand inside the cage and let the hamster sniff or try to bite the back of it, because it's clenched it cant grip the skin, once it begins to crawl over your hand and you're confident it won't bite, then place an open hand in the cage and wait for it to crawl on, don't move at all, just let it get used to it, these things take time, and once it's tame it must be handled regularly to keep that bond strong.
Thanks this is good advice but there is 1 problem, she gets her out a couple of times a day for 30 mins but then the hamster just started biting when she puts her hand in the cage. Shes really worried that she won't be able to get her out again because she won't stop biting and she loves her hamster so much she can't bare to not get her out anymore.

I think she fell off her mums shoulder.... But i don't know. Could this be why shes being nasty?

Ok i will tell her to try what you said.

Heres the best pic i could get.


She is a Winter White x Campbells hamster, also known as.... a hybrid. The reason she changed colour was because winter whites, normally grey or agouti.. can go white in winter or with a change of temperature and then change back in time.

Campbells are far more aggressive and nippy than winter whites but hybrids are worse because they can get double dose of nippyness.

As for biting in the cage, its known generally by most hamster keepers as 'cage rage'. Use a cup or yoghurt pot to scoop the hamster up, get a new cage or really change the cage around including using a different type of bedding etc.
Ok thanks she was sold as a russian dwarf.

I would say most likely there are trust issues there. If your friend is scared she's more likely to be nervy, and might be being rough without realising it. Hamsters generally bite out of fright, not agressiveness. Also, female hamsters may nip (but not usually hard enough to draw blood) when they are 'grooming' you, which is just them being nice.
My own hamster (a syrian, and they tend to be more friendly) started nipping a bit after my friend looked after her when I was away, because she dropped her a few times and didnt handle her at all.
A good tip is to rub your hands in the sawdust of the cage before handling, this gets the hamsters own scent on you. Also you must ALWAYS wash your hands before handling them. A strong smell (mine wont go near me if i've got the tiniest bit of alcohol or bleach on me that day) or the scent of a pet can induce fear.
Finally, the way I tamed my hamster was to allow her to take the lead. You need to let the hamster come to you. The best way to start is hand feeding. Then once that is fine and done without any fear on either side (because her being scared will probably scare the hamster) start letting the hamster climb onto the hand itself, or crawl up the arm of your jumper. Most hamsters love coming out of their cage so that shouldnt be a problem.
Tell her to try not to chase the hamster aroun trying to pick it up, NEVER wake the hamster up and then pick them up soon after (would you be happy if someone just grabbed you out of bed?) and make sure to pick up the hamster by cupping your hands under it which makes it feel safe and supported, not grabbing it around its middle which nervier hamsters hate.
Ok i will tell her to do that.

good luck!! i hope she becomes tame again soon!
Hi just letting you guys now the update on my hamster (yeah shes mine her names amilia)and shes still biting me and i can get her out in the ball but i just can put my hand in her cage without her trying to bite me put i think shes biting me cause my dad was the first to hold her when they where in the shop and she might have imprinted him as her father and i put a cardboard tube with my sent on it and she ran out to it and was biting it like mad and im starting to think she hates me :sad:

:devil: vampire-queen
Hey its me just to let all of you know she was LICKING ME!!!!

and that means shes getting tame and i put a piece of tissue in her cage with my sent on it :lol:

thanks for the help.

:devil: Vampire-queen

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