problems....Spike is hurt


Jul 22, 2004
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I just got home from vacation last night and found that the person I was paying to come and look after all of my animals is an idiot. :crazy:

Instead of only feeding Spike & Sparky a little bit at a time so that it all gets eaten he just put a bunch of food in every day and walked away. There was a layer of rotting food on the bottom of the tank when I got home so I did a 50% water change right away and siphoned up as much of the food as I could.

But. When I went to refill the tank I banged the bucket on the table and because it was heavy, 2.5g of water dumped right into the tank. too fast, too hard. da*n.

Spike got caught in the water current (rapids!) and he's been hurt; he probably got bashed against something. :sad: He lay on the bottom of the tank gasping, not moving. Although there's no obvious trauma he's not right. He made it through the night and although he's moving around he's not swimming around as energetically as he should be and he only ate a little bit this morning. I've set up another bowl with Bettamax in it for him so that he can recover without the stress of having Sparky flaring at him all the time and can have nice still water instead of dealing with the tank. He's just hanging around at the top of the bowl, occasionally swimming around a bit but he's not well.
hmm sorry to hear that spike isn't doing so well :sad:

could the person feeding your fish have overfed him? I'd be worried that his digestive system probably sitn' doing so good either. Maybe a few peas only diet for a few days will help that out.

as for getting himself bashed at something..try putting some salt into the "recoverY" tank for spike. The only thing you can really do now is be gentle with the feeding, and do water changes maybe every other day to keep his water clean. If you find he's stressed try covering his tank with a piece of cloth for parts of the day to help him calm down. :thumbs: HTH
thanks for the ideas, I hadn't thought about peas! He's not eating at all. :(

Your idea about covering the tank is good to, thanks! I had the tank on the table right beside me where I'm working so that I could watch him but I've moved him to a side table beside me that's in a corner. It will be nice and quiet, and slightly darker there for him.

between that, the bettamax and the salt I sure hope something works.


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