Hi all, name's Raven8 and I just signed up... but I signed up with a specific purpose.
A while back, my 8 year old Peacock eel passed away due to a fluke accident. My family and I loved the little guy, and wanted to get a few more to stay with the one that he left behind. However, over the past few weeks I've encountered the exact same issue over and over again: Peacock Eels have fallen off of the face of the earth. I've called my local petshops, chain stores, and have even scoured petshops within a 50 mile radius (I'm in west-central Indiana, USA) looking for these little guys, but NO ONE has them, and no one can get them in. They have Fire eels (which I have in a 90 gal. Love the little guy to death), tire track eels, and even zigzag eels, but not peacock eels. This is especially odd as they've always been available year-round in every petshop in my town.
So here's my question: is there some kind of shortage of these little guys or some trade issues in Asia that would keep Peacock eels from making it here? At this point the oddity of the situation is a bit vexing.
Thanks a ton in advance for any answers that you may have!
A while back, my 8 year old Peacock eel passed away due to a fluke accident. My family and I loved the little guy, and wanted to get a few more to stay with the one that he left behind. However, over the past few weeks I've encountered the exact same issue over and over again: Peacock Eels have fallen off of the face of the earth. I've called my local petshops, chain stores, and have even scoured petshops within a 50 mile radius (I'm in west-central Indiana, USA) looking for these little guys, but NO ONE has them, and no one can get them in. They have Fire eels (which I have in a 90 gal. Love the little guy to death), tire track eels, and even zigzag eels, but not peacock eels. This is especially odd as they've always been available year-round in every petshop in my town.
So here's my question: is there some kind of shortage of these little guys or some trade issues in Asia that would keep Peacock eels from making it here? At this point the oddity of the situation is a bit vexing.
Thanks a ton in advance for any answers that you may have!