Problems Feeding Khuli Loches


Fish Crazy
Mar 28, 2008
Reaction score
Scotland - In the middle
I got two khuli loaches 10 just over a week ago. I knew they were going to go into hiding when they got to the tank. I've seen them only late at night and I've tried feeding at these times but the loaches don't come up to feed and the other fish eat everything before it hits the bottom.

After 8 days, one of my loaches died. It was swimming about the tank during the day - very slowly and in no time it seemed very weak and was tumbling around in the current. Within the hour is was dead. There was no sign of disease, damage etc. I'm concerned that if it starved, how do I save the other one?

I've tested my water levels again and all are fine (Amonia 0, Nitrite 0, Nitrate 5-10, PH 6.8).

My tank - It's a 60l tank with only 4 zebra danios, 3 neon tetras, 3 amano shrimp and 2, 1 khuli loach. :(
well if you got a few more loaches it would make them more secure and confident and maybe come out more. There is nothing in the tank that they should be afraid of so they should come out more than the two did. I think its because they needed some more buddies. A shoal of 5-6 is prefered.

I have 6 khuli's in my 125G freshwater with 6 silver dollars, 6 giant danios, 2 Juve sevrums, an adult male JD and a 12" pleco (I know... they weren't originally bought for this set-up were carry-overs from my original tank over two years ago... figured they would of been eaten as soon as they went in with the JD, but he is afraid of them so they actually make him run... haha :lol: ). They hide all day long but none of them have ever died due to starvation... they are very good at scavenging at night... so try putting some food in an hour or so after the lights go out. Most of the other fish will be in rest mode while they should get some of the food.
I have only one Kuhli (am on the lookout for when the stores bring more in) but fortunately, he doesn't appear that shy. Granted, I never see him unless I drop food in, but he's not too shy to eat. I find sinking wafers help, since it can't be devoured by the other fish too fast, and the Kuhli isn't afraid to eat with two or three other fish peckering away at the wafer. Sometimes he comes out when I bring in bloodworms or brine shrimp and he scavenges for them (I blast in a lot, to make sure the bottom feeders get whatever the tetras don't).

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