

Apr 26, 2005
Reaction score
Hersey, MI
the only reason this is not an emergency is that my fish are all already dead. 2 clowns and a yashia haze goby. They were all in a 20 long, sg .024, ammonia close to 0, no3 80ppm, no2 between 0 and .5ppm, kh 180ppm, ph about 8. The corals in the tank are fine. The snails are fine. Yet all three of my fish die in a single 24 hour period. I found them this morning. Any suggestions on what i could/should look for?
I have pictures of the deceased if it would help. Although someone would have to educate me as to how to post pictures on here.
I have pictures of the deceased if it would help. Although someone would have to educate me as to how to post pictures on here.

Where those spots on the fish sand grains or something else? If all corals in the tank are fine, you've most likely got a fish disease of some kind. Either way one of the better treatments is patience before adding any new fish (one month) and if you can afford one, a UV sterilizer to zap nasties
Damn :/ I too know what it feels like to have so many fish die and not know the reason.

Also, I agree with SkiFletch's post.
it is sand on the clown, i tried to blow it off, but some didnt want to come off. The corals are fine, and I will leave them put in the tank for a bit. I have a hard time looking at the tank tonight because all i see is death :(
Ugh, thats a terrible feeling. At least you have corals and other life still goin in there
Well thats my other question. IF I wanted to keep that tank I would wait a month or two and get new fish...but Im not so sure. I was wondering if it would be ok to sell/give the coral away or might they transfer the problem with them to the new tank?
Ok im not sure what the problem is but i would wager its a fish related disease rather than something that effects the corals too. (Unles of course your water perameters are not right).

So... if its a fish disease i would stay with the corals you have now and leave it fallow of fish for abour 6 weeks. Anything in the water that needs a fish to latchonto will die of starvation during this time. If its parasetic then i suggest you lower the SG as low as you dare with the corals in your system. Raise the tank temperature a few degrees and this will spee dup the life cycle of any parasites you have. Leafve this tank running for 6 weeks and then add 1 fish and leave for another week to see how thins go. Its a long process but i did this when i had an oddinium outbreak and it worked.
Just a thought.

It is also possible that you had a PH crash overnight or maybe the temperature drop way to low overnight. Just because you found them all dead in the morning kinda gets me thinking that those might have been the cause. I've had a problem with my heater before and found 2 of my fish dead in the morning too.

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