Problem With Roseline Shark.


New Member
Jul 12, 2009
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I recently notice that one of my Roseline Sharks has a white/silver eye, and it looks like he may be blind in it. I am currently treating it with MELAFIX however I am not sure f it is helping him much. The eye seams to be clearing up but it may be to early to tell. How long will it take to see results and and i using the right medicine for the right condition? Any help on this issue would be greatly appreciated.


Hi, do you mean cloudy? or literally white eyes?

Most eye problems stem from either poor water (bacterial problem) or poor nutrition (Opaque eyes or blindness).

What are the water stats in the tank and what do you feed? Melafix will do nothing in this situation
Size of tank in gallons or litres.
How many fish and which type.
Water stats in ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, and ph.
Any white specs behind the lens of the eye.
is the eye bulging out.

Cloudy eye is a symtom of a desease not a desease in it's own right.
Bad water quality.
Old age.
poor diet.
Hi, do you mean cloudy? or literally white eyes?

Most eye problems stem from either poor water (bacterial problem) or poor nutrition (Opaque eyes or blindness).

What are the water stats in the tank and what do you feed? Melafix will do nothing in this situation

My nitrates, ammonia and PH levels are all good, and recently did a full water change. I have had a couple casualties this last month and was treating for ulcers on my tetras and a couple of them died as a result. I would not doubt that the water was issue here, since i was a away for a month and had a friend care for my fish. He didn't keep up on my weekly water changes or my filter upkeep. His eye was cloudy at first with a bit of a glossy color to it, that's why I started medicating with he Melafix, figuring it was a bacterial infection. Is there something that will work better at treating this, also I noticed that he has lost his appetite recently, and I am sure this is not helping the situation.
Size of tank in gallons or litres.
How many fish and which type.
Water stats in ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, and ph.
Any white specs behind the lens of the eye.
is the eye bulging out.

Cloudy eye is a symtom of a desease not a desease in it's own right.
Bad water quality.
Old age.
poor diet.

The tank is 30 us gallons, and it includes 1 read eye tetra (4 were lost in infection), 4 congo tetras, 1 Plecostomus sp, 5 clown loaches, 2 Brochis splendens, and 2 other tropical fish not sure of their type.

The PH is at about 7.6
The Ammonia is at zero
The nitrates are at 0 ppm

I can tell for sure but I think his eye my be bulging a bit and there are not white specs in it at all. I do however notice a bit of fin damage, with further suggest bacterial infection.
Your tanks overstocked with 5 clown loaches. How big are they?
If the eye is bulging out you will need a bacterial med.

have you got your nitrate reading mixed up with nitrite.

Are you using liquid test kits.
Your tanks overstocked with 5 clown loaches. How big are they?
If the eye is bulging out you will need a bacterial med.

have you got your nitrate reading mixed up with nitrite.

Are you using liquid test kits.
Yes i am using drop tests, and i don't have a test to determine my nitrites. My loaches are not that big about 4 inches, i got these fish at all the same time and they were about an inch when i bought them. As for my barb I think his infection may be internal, I have some external bacterial medication in the tank right now but it think it is to early to tell the results. I have also noticed that he has a bight white spot on his infected eye.
How big is the spot. is it the size of a grain of salt or bigger.
How big is the spot. is it the size of a grain of salt or bigger.

Yea its about that big, hes getting worse now he isn't swimming at all yet, he still has bladder control but not to mobile. I put in some fungal medication it seems that all of his symptoms are pointing to that. The down side is the minute I put the fungal medication in he started swimming oddly and now hes lying upside down at the bottom of the tank. I think I am going to loose him now hes not moving much at all.....

Well he just died, he was one of my more expensive ones to, I guess that ends this thread. I wills till continue the fungal treatments, thanks for the help guys.
Can you load a pic up please.
Any more fish have tiny white spots on them.
Can you load a pic up please.
Any more fish have tiny white spots on them.

Sorry I disposed of his remains immediately, I did not want to cause further infection. I carried the treatment threw, and so far no one else is infected. After examining him there was a growth on the outside of his eye and some fin damage, however the fin damage did not seem infected. I figured the fungal infection was enough to weaken him and the other fish bullied him since he was in a weaken state.
Bless him.
#40## I hate to hear about things like this, but you are definitely overstocked for a 30g.

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