Problem with breeding kribs

freshmike said:
That's not the problem she is having...please read the post before replying. Thank you. :D

Well, I followed your advice and took the female out. She doesn't seem any happier in the 320l but at least she is not being chased around. She's staying closer to the top than usual but I think she's just chilling in the tiger lotus and she did eat yesterday.

I also took out the 3 penguin tetra and they are back to normal after their short holiday. I am now thinking of taking the mollies out too because all the can do is cower in the corner becuase if they come out the krib chanses them around.

Is this an ok idea? Can Dad and fry be alone in the tank for now?
You could try it,, I guess there would be a risk of him turning on the fry later on, but not for a few weeks, but should be fine while they still need looking after....

I always keep fast penguins in with mine, the kribs just can't catch them! :lol:
they should be fine for a while then....they are so tiny to start with aren't they?!!

They soon start that growth spurt though!

good luck cheese! :thumbs:
i just thought id tell u that mine had babies about the same day... there were about 30... but now theres only 2 left... parents take turns messin around with them... sucking em up spittin em out... just wondering how yours are doing.... hope you had better luck than i did... let me know how things go if u decide to take out the male...

:fish: ! !
Ah right, cheers. Your reply just made it seem as though you thought I had a problem actually getting them to breed.

I am going to take out the mollies today because they can't come out of their little corner. I will take the Dad out when the fry are bigger although I have no idea how long they take to grow and at what point I should take Dad out. They are about 3mm total length just now.

There is still quite a lot left but less than what there was originally. At least there's nothing in there to hurt them.
I have always left mine with the parents for the first month. If you want to see some pics, click on the "WWW" under this post and choose the "Kribensis" album. All pics are marked with how old, etc, so hopefully that will help a little :)

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