Problem with black skit tetra

you know, I'm wondering if possibly could be bruising. Perhaps got into a brief spat or swam into something in a panic... im not sure if fish bruise or not like this, but its a thought.

If ammonia is 0 and nitrite 0, that's ruled out....

Another thing to consider, searched and found this:

For the last week or so, I have been treating as Colin advised. If I lose him, I cant say I didn’t try.
I wouldn't want to jump to any conclusions, and I only offer a possibility as to the cause.
Black widows are one of the fish prone to TB, and one of the symptoms is black areas of tissue
Again, not saying this is what it is, but just worth a read through (if you're not already familiar).

I had Colombian Tetra develop black areas of tissue (internal, so not ammonia burns...), however they also developed the tell-tale curvature of the spine.
An update
Found the Black Skirt tetra dead today. least I tried to cure it without affecting other fish. Other fish are fine...that's one good thing.
That's a shame, glad you can stay positive about it :good:

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