Problem Recieving Betta |please Help|


Fish Addict
Dec 23, 2005
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So i have been looking at a betta for a while on aquabid- i have spooted a really nice one some people have told me i pay shipping and cost of betta and it will arrive on my door others say it needs a courier.
This is what it says on the deccription:

Hello, You are biding on Nice....Blue Marble SD Male 3.0 months old. He is very active and good health. Payment by : Western Union,Paypal or Bank to Bank. Shipping cost from Thailand to in USA is 5 USD/fish and shipping cost from transhipper to your address you have to pay to transhipper directly."Please contact"in USA ,For AUSTRALIAN shipments - please contact "Jodi Lea at "Fishchick" For CANADA please contact" " Other countries please email me. Want more quantity contact me at Wholesale Welcome !!!!

I am all a bit confused about the Transhipper buisness because apparently we don't have one in England.
Will i have to pay for a courier?
Will it be posted directly to my address anyway?
How much will it cost me if so?

P.S Please answer ASAP i have to go to bed soon :p
You need to e-mail the seller to see their arrsangements for sending to the UK. Some will and some won't come this far. I used a guy in Thailand (a member of this forum but doesn't post often) and they came through TNT. Took about 3 days. Postage was high, but then about what you'd expect considering. Just make sure the betta isn't sent until the weather here is stable with temps above 6degrees or more or the poor things will die. Heat packs simply won't last long enough for the journey.
I have emailed them continusly without recieving one back from the guy who sorts out the brittish things.
I really don't know what to do because it has 2 days left on it :/
I don't want to buy it then never see it and it just sit at the airport
Don't bid on the fish until you have recieved a reply. They won't send it without knowing where it's going anyway. :) Try the seller known as Fantasy_aquatic. I know he sends to the UK and he will respond to your e-mails. He also has some lovely fish.
Will it still be possible to get the same fish off of him?- i mean if i give him details and he sorts out the traveling?
Not if he's not the seller no. Doesn't work that way. He can only sell you what belongs to him. :/ That's like asking if I could sell you my neighbours tv! Technically I could but I think he may object. :lol:
Just look at him-
He is too great to give up on him!,
I'm determined to get him- I just hope the sellers reply because iv'e been enquiring all week :-(
Awww he is very lovely. :wub: One I'd look for myself but sadly if the seller is ignoring you maybe it's not meant to be. Maybe you could keep trying to contact them and if still nothing near the end put a bid on to force a reply. Sort of thing I would do. Then if they don't respond at least you have the right to leave negative feedback.
So i have been looking at a betta for a while on aquabid- i have spooted a really nice one some people have told me i pay shipping and cost of betta and it will arrive on my door others say it needs a courier.
This is what it says on the deccription:

Hello, You are biding on Nice....Blue Marble SD Male 3.0 months old. He is very active and good health. Payment by : Western Union,Paypal or Bank to Bank. Shipping cost from Thailand to in USA is 5 USD/fish and shipping cost from transhipper to your address you have to pay to transhipper directly."Please contact"in USA ,For AUSTRALIAN shipments - please contact "Jodi Lea at "Fishchick" For CANADA please contact" " Other countries please email me. Want more quantity contact me at Wholesale Welcome !!!!

I am all a bit confused about the Transhipper buisness because apparently we don't have one in England.
Will i have to pay for a courier?
Will it be posted directly to my address anyway?
How much will it cost me if so?

P.S Please answer ASAP i have to go to bed soon :p

Soon to be rectified but for now if he says on there will ship ems asia and eu then it will come direct to your door.
I have had one response from them
Not very helpfull but i think i should get him- Hoping nobody else snatches him up!
I have had one response from them
Not very helpfull but i think i should get him- Hoping nobody else snatches him up!

just bid the $12.00 for now and see what happens but if you want to close the auction bid now price its a risk you take someone jumps in last miniute
Ok bought it is being sent tommorow,
Would like to say thanks for all the help you guys gave!
hi james ,
i cant wait to see the betta i hope i am the first to see it !!
have you thought of any names ??

jakey boi
sorry off topic I have adopted one of those pets from the link above how do I get it in my photobucket or use it?

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