

Jun 5, 2004
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Kenosha, Wisconsin
how important is it to give the spawning pair of bettas privacy? how should i go about doing this? i want to keep an eye on them. there is quite a bit of traffic that passes throgh my room and im sure my curious dad would probably disterb the spawn if i didn't keep a close eye on it.

and also iv got like 3-4 days off school during the time i plan to spawn the pair and was wondering what the useral time is on how long it takes for them to get to it. if they can finish up and i can remove the female then ill b good.
yes, privacy is *very* importnat during betta spawning, you wouldnt' want to stress out either of them and make them eat the eggs or the fry (which the male will do if they feel threatened).

fromt he moment you put the two fish inot the breedign tank you should drape a towel all around the tank. Then peek through a little corner or something, but dont' make any drastic or stick ur nose right up the glass.

If possible try to reduce traffic, i moved my breedin gtank toa room taht nobdoy goes to and shut teh door so nobody woudl go in. good luck :)
GuppyDude said:
how important is it to give the spawning pair of bettas privacy? how should i go about doing this? i want to keep an eye on them. there is quite a bit of traffic that passes throgh my room and im sure my curious dad would probably disterb the spawn if i didn't keep a close eye on it.

and also iv got like 3-4 days off school during the time i plan to spawn the pair and was wondering what the useral time is on how long it takes for them to get to it. if they can finish up and i can remove the female then ill b good.
Privacy is the best out-there :nod:

My pair wouldnt spawn if I dindt put a towel over them.

Actually know that I think about it, it only takes them about a day with a towel

But with out a towel the spawning almost took 3 days!

They spawn when there ready which is in about 1 day to almost 3 weeks!

But yeah give them privacy

Tell ur dad not to be snoopy if the defending male sees u staright in the eye

Say Bye -Bye to ur spawn

Also put a sign in the towel tell ur familie members not to look

Mine laughed there A$$es of in the beggining... :sad:

But know they love those little fry... :hey:
wow u have a room no one goes in :hyper: lol i dont got one of those. i can try to find a place in the corner somewhere where its pretty quitet but theres still going to be noise. ill have to put a sticky note on there so people will b quitet and not touch the tank. how long does it take emm to spawn and do i have to keep it covered when the daddy takes care of the fry? how long should he be in there if at all?
GuppyDude said:
wow u have a room no one goes in :hyper: lol i dont got one of those. i can try to find a place in the corner somewhere where its pretty quitet but theres still going to be noise. ill have to put a sticky note on there so people will b quitet and not touch the tank. how long does it take emm to spawn and do i have to keep it covered when the daddy takes care of the fry? how long should he be in there if at all?
Like I said above from one day to 3 weeks

U should take out daddy when the fry are free swimming

And yes keep the tank covered....

I guess u dindt read my post.... :sad:
keep the twoel covered until you remove daddy from the spawn, which will be about 2 - 3 days after the eggs hatched. the amle should be removed as soon as you see 25% -50% of the fry start free swimming, personally i tend to not have the patience i take him out 12 - 24 hours after the fry hatches, that's usually a bit early though and you can lose fry to fungas from it. -_-

as for the amoutn of time it takes for them to embrace really varies from spawn to spawn, i've had spawns wehre it took less than 24 hours and some where it took almost 5 days :blink:

try your best to ward off any curious visitors to your tank :p i have a 3 year old sister and you have no idea how hard it is to get her NOT to go into the room when i'm not around :crazy:
None of my pairs have ever had privacy from me, haha. I'm the only one in the room, but I've had spawns going on while I did water changes in other tanks, feedings, etc. BUT I do put a towel up to give the dad privacy when caring for the eggs/fry, if he's real protective, he doesn't like being able to me walking around the room, so I do do that.

im sry joker, i read cc's and urs must of posted when i was typeing up my reply :D ill keep him in there for about 24 hours but i dont think i can keep the tank secure for that long -_- how do u remove the female if u cant look in the tank?, iv gotta get her out without disterbing the male. both parents are new to spawning and the male is pretty aggressive but i think he'll b good with his spawn ;)
the ol' towel trick.. also works on making birds fall asleep XD haha.

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