updates from the last time round,
- rearranged the rocks
- still unable to catch the blue damsel so i left it there
- did a freshwater dip for my branching hammer which opened them up a tiny bit more
- got 2 hammer frags, a mushroom frag, two feather dusters, another (smaller) toadstool leather and a true turbo snail
- lost two trochus snails soon after the rockscape (which i think to be the reason for their demise somehow)
- bought a 3000l/h wavemaker which was found to be an overkill in the tank so i took it off
excuse the glass cup, its my crab trap during the night time (food would go in of course). the first (older) toadstool has yet to extend its polyps though the smaller one did so until i moved it

it seemed that flow has a lot to do with toadstools and not to much on lighting
bigger toadstool - more light, less flow = didn't open even in a week
smaller toadstool - less light (the bag of cheato is above it), more flow (in the flow from the powerhead) = opened a little after a day.
the tank still has this transparent/whitish strings everywhere coming from the feather duster after i stupidly placed it in the sand. its a chore to clean those up