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Well, Im not looking for a planted tank. And I was thinking the light might be good as our house gets no colder than 73 at night. I could cover the tank with a blanket maybe. It would be a nice day night cycle as the tank is warmer during the day (sun heating it) and cooler during the night (no sun heating it) I do this for my hermit crabs.
Oh yea. My tank is going to have 2 snails, my betta, and I will make it planted by having a moss ball. Might get a new rooted plant later, but now this is what Ive got. Should I get the snails if I have an algae build up or just get them when I get the tank set up?
The hex tank is a nice tank.  I have personally had it and kept a betta in it off and on.  You will still need a heater.  The temperature of the water needs to stay a steady and stable 78F min but 82 is best.  Always remember that water temp is a couple of degrees cooler than room temp so if you room stays 73F then the tank without a heater would be around 70F.  That is way too cold for a betta who needs tropical temperatures.  I do not personally care for the leaf hammock.  For the same price, you could get a ball of moss or an anubia plant (both very easy live plants) that the betta will like better.
What kind of snails are you planning on getting?  

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