Pretty Girls Up For Adoption!


Fish Addict
May 25, 2005
Reaction score
Northern California
I can send three more boxes of girls, if anyone is interested? These are females from the grow-out, all very beautiful green/blue/turquoise solids and marbles, and they are very nice to eachother too! Their tailspans range from Super Delta (about 120*+) to HM, no nips or illnesses AT ALL! They'll be great for starting a very pretty, EASY female community. They're also very eggy and ready to spawn.

8 girls can fit to one box, and I have no objections to adopting them out to other Betta people in your area as long as they will provide a loving, stable home. Shipping USPS Priority is $20 including the insulated box and heat pack... I sent 2 boxes Priority to LA and NY on Tuesday and they arrived safely on Thursday morning! Payment for the females is negotiable, please PM me if you're interested! I can also send Vinegar eel or Microworm cultures along for free if needed - I would send some Daphnia but my culture is a little thinned out atm. This is basically the last chance to get some girls, as most are in new homes. I do have over 24 left, so I can ship out 8 to 3 lucky people! I'd like to send them Tuesday, because I will be shipping 2 other boxes then.

Here is my original adoption thread ~ ~ and some pictures!




I second bettabum's post. I have gotten 7 females and one male and am completely satisfied with them all. They are gorgeous. That first one looks ALOT like the one you sent me..
I want some, I would take them except last time I got some from Synirr it took 9 days for them to get here, I don't know how fair that would be for the gorgeous girls especially in this weather. They are beautiful though, wish I could take them.
:shifty: *bump* :whistle:

ps- I have two of Erica's girls and one boy and I love them! Not only are they super adorable, but they have the funnest personality! Especially little Dippy, she is so kicky! :wub:
Mine were shipped out on tuesday and got here thursday. It was even by priority shipping thats fast!
Awww :wub:, thanks for all of the nice comments! You guys are awesome!

Sanadi, I'll have 2-3 more spawns ready near the end of the summer. They'll hopefully be much smaller and I'll have a more even ration of males/females. Please LMK if you're interested! I live in the US, so yes, I do ship in the US only.

Also.. I've found GREAT homes for all of the girls. Thanks a lot to everyone who has adopted my babies! ^_~
Guess this is another one of those times i wish i was from USA!,
My female betta tank is probably my favorite tank. I definently recommend setting up one to anyone who is thinking about it. Splash's girls are really nice to each other and get along with the girls I had in there before.
Grr, I had set up the tank and he made a nice wittle nest. So I wanted a smaller spawn so I put her in (she had been in her vase in the tank). They made goo-goo eyes and flirted for days, but he didn't bubble any more and she nipped him a good chunk out of his bottom fin. :/

I plan to set up the tank and start all over again once his fin is healed. But I'm worried because I've been giving him bettafix and feeding him well and there isn't any new growth yet? It's been a week or so. :huh: I don't want him to get fin rot. Hmm, what do you think Erica?????

edit: I think I didn't leave her in the vase long enough? Only for about 3-4 days. Then I left them together about 4 days. I always worry about them being mean to each other. She had been following him to his wittle nest. Perhaps I should wait for a bigger nest?
Elise, what I did was have the male in his tank where he could not see no other betta. I then put him in the spawn tank with a little bubble nest and put the female in the vase. He just flared at her for a bit and she was barring up and flaring back so I released her. Right when I released her a bit a huge chunk out of her fin which shocked the crap out of me. I let them continue and he calmed down and the female hid in the plants and the male started working on his nest and built it on the other end of the tank where I put the styrofoam cup. The female kept looking at the nest and the male would chase her off every time and this went on until this afternoon when I found eggs all over the bottom of the tank and some in the nest but not many. It took him awhile but he picked them up and put them back in except for maybe two I don't know why he didn't get the last two but oh well atleast he got the majority of them. Anyways hopefully they hatch..
Sorry I didn't check this earlier, Elise! I'm sorry it wasn't successful :( they're both still very young, so you have plenty of time. 3-4 days is a lot! I actually let my male just bubblenest and get situated for a few days, then add the girl for a few hours... they were receptive to each other, so I released her. Do you think she's too dominant for him? If so, you might want to just try the solid girl :/

About his tail, it should heal perfectly with IAL, salt and clean water. It might just be hard to see the regrowth because he's so cello, but one of his brothers (a boy that I'm keeping) had a big nip from spawning and it healed pretty much instantaneously :p

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