Pregnant Platy


New Member
Jul 22, 2012
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i have a orange platy that is pregnant she is huge never seen a fish this big before i have only recently took up keeping fish i have had loads of fry born from my mollies swordtails guppys etc all healthy some have been kept and some given to other fish keepers
but i am desperately worried about this platy she has been like this for weeks but suddenly the last 4 days has become massive she is box like but i cant see the birth channel or white spot she is thrashing from side to side a lot she is eating well i have her in a 2ft tank with 1 other pregnant fish [mollie]
PLEASE can some one give advice i dont want to lose her thank you
i have a orange platy that is pregnant she is huge never seen a fish this big before i have only recently took up keeping fish i have had loads of fry born from my mollies swordtails guppys etc all healthy some have been kept and some given to other fish keepers
but i am desperately worried about this platy she has been like this for weeks but suddenly the last 4 days has become massive she is box like but i cant see the birth channel or white spot she is thrashing from side to side a lot she is eating well i have her in a 2ft tank with 1 other pregnant fish [mollie]
PLEASE can some one give advice i dont want to lose her thank you

Put a pic up and the more experienced guys and girls on here will be able to help a lot more
i have a orange platy that is pregnant she is huge never seen a fish this big before i have only recently took up keeping fish i have had loads of fry born from my mollies swordtails guppys etc all healthy some have been kept and some given to other fish keepers
but i am desperately worried about this platy she has been like this for weeks but suddenly the last 4 days has become massive she is box like but i cant see the birth channel or white spot she is thrashing from side to side a lot she is eating well i have her in a 2ft tank with 1 other pregnant fish [mollie]
PLEASE can some one give advice i dont want to lose her thank you

Put a pic up and the more experienced guys and girls on here will be able to help a lot more
ok will try to get one in the morning if she still alive
this is the best pic i could get she gets upset if i get to close
Well, she's squared off, so she should give birth within the next 24/48 hours.
hi thank you for your reply but she has been like this since last thursday if anything she looks smaller today but no fry
Well, she's squared off, so she should give birth within the next 24/48 hours.
hi i have just been told she has bloat by someone who saw my pic could this be right she is swimming ok i dont know what bloat is though i have heard of it thank you
'Bloat' is a bit like 'stomach ache' in humans; it's just a symptom of something else, not normally a disease in it's own right.

Try doing a large (and by 'large' I mean 80 or 90%) water change and don't feed for three or four days, see if she improves.

She still looks pregnant, not sick to me though. Have you tested the water at all, and if so can you post the results?
Can you see her gravid spot with little black dots? Or white tube by her anal fins?
Welcome to our forum dustyone16.
Being told that a fish is bloated is like being told she is fat. You already knew that didn't you? Your photobucket image, this one, shows a very heavy female that should drop at any time.

I would expect a drop at almost any moment.
i would like to thank you all for your help my fish has lost all the weight but no fry
she is now back in the large tank i dont know wha5t was wrong with her thought she was def pregnant
the sleep i have lost worrying about her is unbeliveable fish eh
thank you all again for your help

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