Pregnant She Ready To Pop?

Yes, it is.
While breeding traps can be useful, for the average hobbyist it is usually best to let nature take it's own course. With some plants in the tank, you'll get plenty of fry surviving :)
thank you for replying, i have loads of plants in the tank now so they have somewhere to hide, and something for them to swim in. but i have a problem now as the male platy is following her but he aint bothering the other female as much. and i dont have another tank to put them in. What should i do??
There isn't really anything you can do; males always bother the females when they're near to giving birth. You could put him in the breeding box for a few hours to give her a break?
will that stress him out. she swims away and hides but he soon finds her again. 
updated photo's sorry not very good pic, but as you an see she looks more square than the other pic.

just a quick update: i think tonight could be the night. so i have but one of the females (biggest of the two) in the breeding tank. i will keep you updated when she has them thank you all for the help over the past couple of days. 

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