Pregnant Molly


New Member
Mar 12, 2012
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Please Help Me! I know My Black Molly Is Pregnant, But Im Not Sure When To Put Her In Her Trap. Please Help By Clicking The Link Below :)

Your fish are not yet close to a drop. Please see the link in my signature area where I discuss the progress of my molly, with lots of pictures. The idea of that thread was to make you confident in your own analysis of your own fish. There is no way we can be as accurate as you can on your own fish, once you truly understand what is going on with your fish.
was wondering if anyone could tell me whether my molly fish is pregnant i have noticed recently in the past week or so that she has become very big and a black spot has appeared hovering around, ive heard this can be called a gravid spot. Any help would be great i will try and upload a picture of her(if it is infct a she). Thanks

this is a picture of my molly one week ago and today... hope this helps

last week

today this is how she looks.

Also i baught her and a yellow molly 1 month ago and i found out last week that the yellow molly is acctually a male. Also i was wondering if she is pregnant will all the other fish pick up on this as they are rubbing themselves on her and the male yellow molly is acting very dominent towards the other fish that come near her.
Fishmania06, last week she looked about 2 weeks from a drop. The new picture does not show her well enough to tell. Have you taken the time to read through the thread that I called My Molly's Progress in my signature area? That thread will do more to make you an expert on judging your own fish than any of us can be using a single picture.
im realy worried about my molly she has all the signs of being pregnant and its nw week 4 nearly week 5 and still no fry help please im realy worried about her
First thing:-

DON'T WORRY!!!!! Fish are pretty good at looking after themselves.

Second thing:-

If you'd read OM47's thread, you would see that that fish's gestation took 42 days, IIRC. THat would be 6 weeks. You are just about at 5.

Third thing:-

If you see her belly has shrunk significantly in size, but you have seen no fry, they're either hiding, or been eaten.
Can molly fish give birth to fry in stages as my molly has gotten smaller but is still large like she has more fry to come but she isnt giving birth at the moment also she stillhas a gravid spot.... HELP PLEASE
Ignore the gravid spot - it might as well be called the gravy spot for the good it is for indicating livebearer prenancies.

It's not usual for livebearers to drop fry in stages, no. It may be that she has had her fry and eaten most of them, and is now somewhat bloated.
Lock man, some particular livebearers like Heterandria formosa do drop fry a bit at a time, others, like mollies, platies, guppies and swordtails drop fry all at once. It does not vary within a species. The variation is between different species. There is no variation in mollies, they drop all fry at once over a few hours.

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