Pregnant kuhlis?


Fish Aficionado
May 16, 2004
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Southern U.S.
I bought 5 of them almost 10 months ago and haven't seen more than 3 off and on since so I went ahead and removed/redesigned the interior decorations of the tank after a water change and found all 5 healthy if stressed from being "exposed" including one very large looking one I think is a pregnant female.

I wanted to look for a sign of eggs or ailment she(?) looked so big but I had stressed the poor guys out too much and redid the tank in record time, added some extra filter floss to the filter to clean out the excess debris that drudged up, turned the lights out and put a towel on their tank. Now they're sitting quietly if panicked in their favorite bit of fry grass. I really should buy more of the stuff.

My main question now, how do you tell a pregnant loach from one who's a little too healthy? I've read about them being slightly green with the eggs but I've never really seen a good view of a regular sized Kuhli let alone a pregnant Kuhli. Nearly all the pictures of them I've seen are either partial body shots or head/above shots that don't show their stomach area too well.
For the most part, almost nobody knows how to tell if they are gravid or not, which is why you haven't gotten anybody to reply to your topic ;)

And personally, I'm not sure either, sorry. :dunno:
:unsure: I absolutely love kuhlis and am waiting to get some within the next month or so. Does that particular one have a greenish cast to the belly region? That will tell you if she's carrying eggs.
I've been unable to see her so I don't know for sure yet. I did find someone who's got them to breed before and they do have a greenish belly for certain. He even got some good pictures to compare by.
:D Yes, that's the clue. I learned that from Dr. Axelrod years ago when he was still top in the business. Mine were carrying eggs but unfortunately the heater went haywire in my tank and cooked them before she laid any eggs.

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