Pregnant Guppy?


New Member
Aug 21, 2007
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Hey everyone!
After browsing this forum it would seem that one of my guppys may be pregnant. I'm new to this so i'm not really sure. All you guys seem to know what you're talking about so I was hoping if I posted a photo up you guys could give me your opinions on if it's pregnant or not and maybe how far along?
I just dont want to separate it and cause it stress if it's not pregnant.
Any help would be appreciated, thanks :)
Yes. Judging from this she's about in stage 5 or 6 and might have another week or two left to drop.
Pregnant. See how large her abdomen is and see the dark spot behind the abdomen? That's the gravid spot. It's more pronounced and darker, meaning she is pregnant. I would say you're within a week to a week and a half of birthing.
Yup, she is pregnant :) She has a beautiful tail too very pretty fish!
Thanks for the help everyone!
I'm excited now :hyper:

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