Pregnant guppies


New Member
Aug 12, 2003
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If your guppies are pregnant they will have the babies when you put them in the breeding tank because once you put them in the breeding tank they think that your going to let them eat there babies and their for they feel safer. They dont want to have their babies in the fish tank because they fear that the other fish my eat their babies the ones that they want to eat. If the guppies are pregnant then they will have the babies in 21 days but if they are already pregnant and their stomach is big then they are bount to have them at any time.

my name is Nour by the way. Im 17 and i live in windsor ontario Canada. :D
Thats a nice theiry but i dont think its true except for when they get big.Theyere like people and cant stalltheir births. ;)
WEll dont think its true. What you think doesnt matter to me. I believe that theory okay, because it has happened to me so obviously i wouldnt make something up like that.

I have experienced it with my fish.
WEll dont think its true. What you think doesnt matter to me. I believe that theory okay, because it has happened to me so obviously i wouldnt make something up like that.

I have experienced it with my fish.

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