Pregnant Dalmation Molly?

WOW there is a lot! Are you planning on keeping them all? You'll be overrun with them :crazy:

I think we are only going to keep 1 or 2 and give the rest away to friends/family.
If you have a family-owned pet store close to you, then ask if they will buy them off of you. Its worth a try.
If you have a family-owned pet store close to you, then ask if they will buy them off of you. Its worth a try.

i will try to find one around me. the place where i got these guys/gals gets deliveries.

The fry will be 2 weeks old tomorrow! There's approximately 14-16 of them. My Gold Dust Molly is also going to deliver soon!! This video is of her and the fry!

Cute! One of my platies is literally giving birth right now... :hyper:
Cute! One of my platies is literally giving birth right now... :hyper:

AWWW! i bet they are cute!

Nah, something went wrong... they are all either deformed or little yellow balls of nothing :crazy: Oh well, I have plenty of platy fry from her previous births! :hyper:

This can happen if the fish is stressed by something, either bad water conditions, or the fish was in a breeder trap. It's very unfortunate.
Heres one last update on my Marble Molly Fry. they are now 3 weeks old and thriving!


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