pregnancy and scaters


New Member
Apr 30, 2005
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:S i am going out of my mind.

my female tiger barb is due to lay eggs and so is my guppy who is nearly due to give birth.

but what does it mean when you cant she the gravid spot on the guppy, why is it red?

why is my tiger barb not coming down from the filter?
The gravid spot shouldn't be red as such but black/grey when the fish is towards the end of her pregnancy, although if she just has eggs in her and not fry this somtimes makes the gravid patch look orangey.
could you list the fish and size of tank, which filter you are using, how long has the tank been running and what tests for ammonia,nitrite,nitrate and ph.
do you dechlorinate the water too. :)
:lol: i have 2 tiger barbs, 1 royal plec, 1 simamise fighting fish, 3 clown loaches, 2 kissing gouriamis, 2 honey gouriamis, 2 guppies, 2 swordtails and 2 dalmation mollies.

i dont know the size of the tank but i do know that the filter is a 203 filter and has been up since the middle of febuary. the tank has a air stone in and on saterday i have am getting a new male siamise fighting fish.

does this help?
Sometimes the gravid spot in my livebearers are more of a red color than dark... I think that is normal.
hope its not two male fighters to the same tank.
barbs like to be in large groups and the females will scatter eggs every couple of weeks.
is everything in pairs?
by the way has anyone told you not to keep a betta (siamese fighting fish) in with guppies, swordtails etc? these fish will become extremely attracted to his beautiful flowing fins and will nip his fins off, this happened to my betta and he is dead :rip: it all depends on how aggrsive the fish are to each other. But i got warned to not do it after i lost him. Just want to warn you now, bettas like to be on their own or with catfish, for example albino cory's. the smallest tank you can keep a betta in is 1 gallon but i think thats too small. If you need more advice on Betta's go to the betta forum. They are quite complex fishies.
I think by answering Black Angels questions people may be able to give you a better idea of whats going on.

Most importantly, whats the size of the tank - you have quite a few fish in there, and a couple can get quite big.

Plus as mentioned, the Barbs would be a lot better in a bigger group.

That said, I am sure that there is a reasonable answer to your query - a bit more info and we can narrow it down. :thumbs:
ok :nod: its a tank that holds 25 fish and since i am new at this i dont know the size.

plus everything is in pairs and the barbs arent aggresive towards the others.

and no its not two siamise males, i did have a red one but it died :rip: dont know why but i have a female and she is fine, the other fish are fine with them and dont bite others.

but what about my guppy, i stil dont know what is the matter with her?

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