pregant guppy struggling to give birth


New Member
Apr 4, 2024
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hello, my guppy just gave birth to 32 babies and unlike my 2 other female guppies who also gave birth and are now fine, her belly is still big and her scales are flakey. she gave birth 4-5 days ago and she doesnt seem well. i dont know what to do, she also has some red marks on her body


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I'm afraid she is dying. The swelling and raised scales (dropsy) are a symptom of fluid retention, caused by organ failure. She is seriously affected. The red marks indicate infection/ sepsis. She cannot be saved. :(
She's got a serious dropsy issue. And yes, as already pointed out overhere, once the red already shows up while having dropsy, there's no cure. Very sorry to say...
I'm afraid she is dying. The swelling and raised scales (dropsy) are a symptom of fluid retention, caused by organ failure. She is seriously affected. The red marks indicate infection/ sepsis. She cannot be saved.
thank you. it's been a week and she's still the same. i think that im going to leave her in the aquarium until she passes so i wont stress her further, i believe it doesnt affect the other fish, right? what should i do with her?
She's got a serious dropsy issue. And yes, as already pointed out overhere, once the red already shows up while having dropsy, there's no cure. Very sorry to say...
thank you for replying. is there any way i could've prevented this? was it because of her pregnancy or from something else? the red started showing one or 2 days after she gave birth, is there anything i could've done to save her before the red appeared?
Unfortunately by the time symptoms of dropsy show it can often be too late. You may never know the cause. The kindest thing to do would be to euthanise her as dropsy is thought to be painful.
thank you for replying. is there any way i could've prevented this? was it because of her pregnancy or from something else? the red started showing one or 2 days after she gave birth, is there anything i could've done to save her before the red appeared?
There are more reasons why dropsy occurs. Pregnant females are always more vulnerable than non pregnant ones.
hello, my guppy just gave birth to 32 babies and unlike my 2 other female guppies who also gave birth and are now fine, her belly is still big and her scales are flakey. she gave birth 4-5 days ago and she doesnt seem well. i dont know what to do, she also has some red marks on her body
she just gave birth to other 20 babies!!!! im so so sad i dont want her to be struggling with giving brith and internal problems as well :(( it's been more than a week since she gave birth the first time, i guess she took a break? im not sure how it works
Sounds like a mini miracle ☺️
Can you post some current photos of her?
I've had a female guppy that gave me about 26 fry. She was on the smaller side and unfourtunatly didn't make it. I've have another one that gave birth, not to as many though, that got scoliosis after pregancy but is still alive and well. And I've had a larger female guppy produce many fry, don't have an exact count, without any issues.
she sadly passed away but im very confused. how much can fish pause the birth process?

I'm not sure but I know it can happen. @emeraldking will be able to answer this?
It's not that weird that a female ovoviviparous livebearer can hold on to the unborn fry. The developed embryos are not dependable of the female. She's just a safe cocoon for the eggs with those embryos in them. So, keeping those embryos inside for a bit longer is not a problem. It only becomes a problem when a female can't get the rid of those fry while trying to deliver them when the vent is blocked in some way.

Real livebearers (viviparous) are different.

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