Predatory Fish

lol i can see i'm not going to win this argument, are you sure about the gars though, i read that some only get to 20cm.... or did i just read something wrong?
lol i can see i'm not going to win this argument, are you sure about the gars though, i read that some only get to 20cm.... or did i just read something wrong?
The gars you are referring to are called hujeta gars and you are correct on the size. They get between 8-10 inches (20-25cm). The problem with them is they need loads of room to swim and 4ft is just not enough. If kept in small tanks like that they will actually swim into the glass damaging their mouths/head.

So because of this the minimum tank size should be 150cm (5ft) long x 60cm (2ft) wide x 60cm high. Which would be around 500 litres.
I want to join in haha. Im keeping an Oscar with a Fire eel and both are great fish to have together they offer great visual versitility in the tank and are both happy to eat the foods you where keen on supplying such as frozen or live bloodworm, shrimp and such. the fire eel will grow large getting to around 30" but are extemely slow growers so would do absolutely fine in a tank your size for a good few years at least.

the eel is non aggressive to other fish so it is easy to match with other species as long as you get the sizes right so the other fish doesnt see him as lunch.

something else for you to consider
Have recently bought a red fin shark and some fancy guppies will the shark chase them around and try and kill them ?
It depends on your tank, yours is like around 90 gallons so you could do almost anything you want.   You could do a clown knife fish those suckers get huge they eat live fish ect.  there's Oscars and JDs they would get huge in your tank( like at least a foot).  There is piranha which are awesome in schools you have plenty of room for a school of those fellers.  there is plenty of other options too! Just research what you are interested in and you should find the perfect fish!  
whoa didn't see I ve already responded to this lol.
If you want something gorgeous and aggressive have a look at black piranha. But I would also recommend a small group of dwarf snakeheads if you also want live plants?
laurac94 said:
If you want something gorgeous and aggressive have a look at black piranha. But I would also recommend a small group of dwarf snakeheads if you also want live plants?
Love snakeheads! They're nasty lol

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