

Fish Addict
Nov 22, 2005
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south wales uk
i have been looking around the net and have seen a Rainbow wolfish.... these guys are amazing. i cant seem to find much about them on the net so i hope there is sombody here who can tell me a little, i know theres sombody on here that owns one but i cant remember who they were so all info apreciated. can anyone thell me the size tank needed?

can anyone also suggest any other preadators that i can look around for ie, somekind of snakehead or something, somthing that could eat small feeders?

is there any species of snake head besides the small rainbow etc.? ony other predator (other than bichirs?)



oh yeah the tnk is 57 gallond...
Just a little note - if you are going to use feeder fish (which IMO is unecessarily costly and risky), avoid goldfish, minnows etc sold as feeders and breed your own instead (eg: mollies are easy and relatviely large but quick-growing). Otherwise you risk itnroducing disease.
i know all about the risks of feeders etc and do keep them in quarintine for a few weeks before feeding,
These guys are awsome. Right now mines around 8 inches. They arent really active, unless they think its time for food. Mine comes out whenever he sees me, and tries to attack me through the glass. He's also bitten me before....

I'd say the minimum tank size should be 30 gallons, 3ft long by 12 inches wide. Height does not matter too much. I keep the water level down about an inch and i cover the top completely incase he decides to jump. He eats just about everything he sees, ive dropped in algae wafers and he ate them. I feed him hikari carnivore pellets, hikari floating carnivore pellets, cichlid pellets, and different types of frozen foods. I'd also reccomend over filtering the tank, i have a sponge filter rated for 60 gallons on there, an internal fluval pump, and a bio wheel 350 in there (this is also because i have alot of convicts in the tank). They also like to hang out in caves or in bunches of floating plants.

I put in a bunch of small convicts in there for him to eat, but he hasnt eaten them! I dont know why, but he seems to ignore them. He has eaten some convicts though and hes eaten 3 black skirt tetras. I forgot i had the black skirt tetras in the tank and then i realized a month later they were missing. When i first got him, he NEVER moved and i almost regreted getting him. After a month he started to swim around alot more and become active. Right now hes just sitting in his cave though, but if i hang out infront of his tank or put my hand in the water he will come out. I think this fish is very hardy, so it would probably thrive in most types of water conditions.

There really are no special requirements of this fish, just take care of it like you would as any other of your larger aggressive fish. I heard that they would not accept tank mates, but mine does. This does not mean you can add other fish to its tank. Currently i have around 8 small young convicts, 1 spotted rapheal, and 1 clown pleco. I want him to eat the convicts, if anyone wants them i will give you them for free. I bred the convicts a long time ago and im still stuck with the babies.

The store i got him from was feeding him healthy goldfish, but i dont think he would accept feeders now. He's too lazy.

EDIT: also i heard that CFC said they could go in a minimum of 20 gallons,
I wouldnt put mine in a tank smaller than 30 because of him being 8 inches long, but i think most usually get to a maximum size of 6 inches. If yours gets bigger than that i would get him a larger tank.
thanks alot mate. i heared they can grow 20" +. must have misread it. i want one for a 57 gallon 16 " wide and 48" long. if you dont mind me asking, where did you get him from and how much did you pay??
He was about $30. I live in NY, USA. I went to a really really good aquarium store called the Shark Aquarium. If your tanks gonna be that big, look at the gold wolf fish.
Hoplerythrinus unitaeniatus, thats the golden wolf fish. They pretty much require the same care as the rainbow wolf, but they need a larger tank and they swim around more. I couldnt find much info on it either. They arent hard to take care of though if you have a big enough tank. CFC had one.

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