Fish Crazy
Good Day All,
I joined TFF back in October cuz of a 55 gal failure and a subsequent move to a 100 g. and needed to get caught up in fishkeeping after a somewhat long absence. This AM I thought I'd share a pre-post image of a 29 gal tank that was part of the 55 g cascade of events.
Here's the back story of the pre-29. At one time I had a jack dempsey, salvini, pleco t-brb and a Syndontis cat in a 40 gal bow front. And all was copacetic then one day the Jack decide to pick a fight and dominate the salvini. So I got a 29 as just a species tank for the salvini, and to keep him company I added Pan my pleco. Eventually I got the 100g for the cichlids and then turned the 29 into a planted community tank hence the post 29
The post 29 g is now a community tank ruled by a pair of Angels and yup they actually laid a clutch of eggs... but the eggs didn't last too long. hopefully they will lay more eggs, but on a tile I provided instead of the on the filter. LOL
I joined TFF back in October cuz of a 55 gal failure and a subsequent move to a 100 g. and needed to get caught up in fishkeeping after a somewhat long absence. This AM I thought I'd share a pre-post image of a 29 gal tank that was part of the 55 g cascade of events.
Here's the back story of the pre-29. At one time I had a jack dempsey, salvini, pleco t-brb and a Syndontis cat in a 40 gal bow front. And all was copacetic then one day the Jack decide to pick a fight and dominate the salvini. So I got a 29 as just a species tank for the salvini, and to keep him company I added Pan my pleco. Eventually I got the 100g for the cichlids and then turned the 29 into a planted community tank hence the post 29
The post 29 g is now a community tank ruled by a pair of Angels and yup they actually laid a clutch of eggs... but the eggs didn't last too long. hopefully they will lay more eggs, but on a tile I provided instead of the on the filter. LOL